Monday, July 6, 2009

Fire in the Hole!

Did you know that fireworks are legal here in Oregon? Well, some are anyway, and certainly enough to impress a 5 and 7 year old! We went over to "the cousins" house as we call it and enjoyed a nice barbeque dinner and hours of fun play time! They had some interesting guests over that my niece Susie met in college, a couple and their 7 year old daughter from Saudi Arabia. What a special way to remind me how grateful I am for our freedom here! They were open about their life there and what is was like and what it will be like again, as they are here only on a temporary basis for education.

As soon as it got dark, we went out and the kids enjoyed the sparklers, snakes and strobe lights. Wow, did that bring back memories! Then we lit off some of the bigger ones and had so much fun. The four boys would run around the fireworks, sparklers in hand and scream..."Fire in the hole!" It was so funny. They wore themselves out, got incredibly filthy, probably had some minor damage to their hearing, were way to excited to light things up, and enjoyed every minute of it! I wish I had a picture, but I didn't take my camera! I must be slacking off...besides hard to get at night anyway!

Happy 4th of July!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

REALLY Grateful For....

Yesterday and even still this morning I am SO grateful for that little voice in my head that told me while at Home Depot just last week.....

"You know, every home should have a plunger. You are on a septic tank and a little far from town. It would be a real good idea to have one, just throw one in your cart."

So glad I listened....need I say more:)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Some things I've learned while Remodeling

  • Anxiety attacks will come at 1:30 in the morning
  • Mistakes are expensive
  • I really do miss a kitchen
  • Everything costs more than you think it will
  • Sawdust stinks for air quality
  • You just don't know how it will really look until it is done
  • I hate to actually spend money
  • The shopping is just as painful
BUT, I know I will love it when it is all done!

Here are some of the progress pictures...

Today, we start installing cabinets!