Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Well Said Sidney!

I just finished reading Sidney Poitier's spiritual autobiography..."The Measure of a Man". For some reason it took me forever to get through it, but it was overall a good book! There were some parts that I especially loved related to parenting, some of them come from recalling his childhood on Cat Island...

One of my favorites was..

"We put our kids to fifteen years of quick-cut advertising, passive television watching, and sadistic video games, and we expect to see emerge a new generation of calm, compassionate, and engaged human beings?"

Also, I loved this...

"I fear that as we cover more of our planet with concrete and steel, as we wire our homes with more and more fiber-optic cables that take the place of more intimate interactions, as we give our children more and more stuff and less and less time, we go further and further away from the kind of simplicity I knew as a child on Cat Island, our Earth, Gaia or not-will become for us the Wire Mother, and our souls will wither and die as a result."

He shared the results of a fascinating study with chimps where a "wire mother" was provided to a baby to supply a him with all he could "need" in the way of nutrients and food supply, but it wasn't enough to keep them alive and they would die.

He had an interesting perspective to share on a lot of broad topics and he sure seems like a fascinating person. Makes me want to run to the video store and rent one of his old movies and passively sit in front of the television. What is all that about?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow - I didn't know he was a Christian - how did you come across his autobiography?
Cool quotes.