With the 4th of July weekend coming up, you might expect a post on my gratitude to those who have fought for our country's freedom in the armed forces. While I am grateful for that...right now my heart is filled with gratitude for a different group of people who have fought long and hard for freedom in a different way.
I attended my first ever homeschool conference in Portland this weekend and overall it was a great experience. I have never attended one previously for many reasons but enjoyed the opportunity this year and going with friends made it much more enjoyable too;)
I heard speakers this weekend that really got me thinking about my right to homeschool or home educate my boys. Once in a while, I hear little comments about what it "used to be like" but it happened so much this weekend that my brain is just beginning to wrap around the concept. I heard some truly unbelievable stories that have caused me to really evaluate something I can so easily take for granted so I want to officially thank them.....
Dear Pioneer Homeschoolers of the 80's,
I want you to know first that I am sorry for not fully comprehending the trials of the road you have paved for me and for my family. It is hard to believe that in my lifetime a world existed that was so hostile to homeschooling families. I can't imagine being cut off from family and friends and not knowing another single family choosing the same path. I can't imagine not having one "curriculum" company to order my materials from. I can't imagine my kids hiding under their beds when there is a knock at the door and not allowing them to play outside during school hours. I can't imagine being taken to court every single year and the emotional tolls that a legal battle that can have on a family.
Thank you that I can't imagine that.
Thank you for your devotion to God's call on your life. Thank you for fighting this battle for me and earning me the freedom to choose this same road that you traveled. Thank you for making that road easier. Thank you for your perseverance to stand up for what you believed in. Thank you for your sacrifice. Thank you for sharing what you have learned and passing on your wisdom to a new generation of home educating families.
Thank you that I can imagine a world where homeschooling might not always be understood but it is allowed. Thank you for the freedom to hold my head high and be proud of the choices my husband and I have made for our family. Thank you for allowing my kids to tell the lady at the checkout counter why they are not "in school."
I am eternally grateful.
Suzie Doeren
1 comment:
I'm glad you had a good experience this last weekend. What a thoughtful and touching letter. Lots to be thankful for that I was not really aware of.
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