Monday, August 30, 2010

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

This summer one of my goals was to share this story with my kids. I remember reading it when I was young and loved the story. I headed off to Borders to grab a copy after trying unsuccessfully to find a copy I wanted used at my usual favorite used bookstores. I wanted the older copy with the great illustrations that I remembered and the cover picture that looked like a big chocolate bar ripped open at the edge!!!

I had NO idea that just getting the copy I wanted would turn into the ordeal that it did! The lady there was very helpful but did not remember the one I was referring to. All the copies she had contained the artwork she remembered...(she was much much younger than me) which seemed more like cartoon drawings and the new movie version which I wasn't interested in either. I remember that little boy bending down when he found that dollar and the image was in my brain and it obviously had a strong impact!

So, when I realized that I would have to turn to the Internet, I went home and begun my search! I was surprised to find that the older copies can get quite expensive on ebay; all the way up over $500! I had a limit and was determined to not pay over $20 with shipping! After all, I am not a collector...I actually like old withdrawn library copies!

After a few weeks I lucked out and my precious book arrived!

Connor and Brody could not get enough and we devoured the story like we would a yummy Wonka chocolate bar! It was so fun and definitely a summer highlight for me!

Brody's favorite: My favorite part is the square candies that looked round because it is funny how he tricked them. My second favorite part was when the oompa loompa ate the hair toffee when the mixture wasn't right and grew the really long beard. I like all the characters the same because they are all funny!

Connor's favorite: Charlie is my favorite character because he is the hero of the book. He obeyed Willy Wonka and was given the chocolate factory. I liked that he was poor and still got into the chocolate factory. My favorite part is when he found the dollar on the street.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

More from my Trip

I realize I missed some VERY important things from our trip after the wedding when we spent a few more days in St. Louis before flying home so here is my 2nd attempt to document just some of the fun we had!
I have to say, I felt a little "touristy" with what we had planned but it was great fun!

Connor and Brody have been talking about going in the arch for literally about a year now. What is wrong with them? I could not figure out the attraction of going 630 ft. up in the air in what looks like a bent and twisted building! is beautiful and the construction is amazing but do they know how high that is? However, we decided to grant their request and go for it...have some fun! Should I have started this with the fact that I have a mild terror of heights? Maybe not...where would the fun be there?

I realized I just had to go and experience this with them for many reasons.

1) I didn't want to look like a wimp
2) I didn't want to be mom that stayed behind and didn't have fun
3) I wanted to show them that I could face my fears and not let fear stop me from trying new things and having fun
4) Brody was obviously nervous and Aunt Lara said I had to!

It was a great experience and once I got to the top and over a few feet to the straight part, it wasn't so bad. I am pretty sure I even looked out the window! I know I didn't get sick and after a few minutes even Brody was climbing in the window! They loved seeing the line for the Cardinal game from all the way up there and the building with the swimming pool on the roof!

Here it is...PROOF that I DID IT!!!

We also LOVE going to the St. Louis Zoo! Aunt Lara has been a member forever and we get some extra perks that even make it more fun like free train rides!

I had told both boys that I would let them make something at Build A Bear and we thought it would be fun to do on our trip at the zoo location! It was a huge bonus that we found a $5 coupon in the airline magazine! (Connor and I really like to get a good deal!)

Connor made a panda and Brody made a penguin! They had SO much fun and it was a real memorable experience for them!

Here is Aunt Lara, Grandma Louise and Aunt Kathy with Connor and Brody at the new and improved entrance to the zoo!

I had to prove that I was there too;)

It was a hot and humid day to be at the zoo, but a fun day altogether. I'm pretty sure that one of the cutest sights in the world was Connor and Brody walking around with their maps navigating for us! They looked so grown up! They were also such gentlemen and took turns carrying the backpack with all our stuff for the day...what tough boys they are!

LOVE Connor with the notebook here. He found it hard to look around, walk and write, but he tried hard!

The penguins and this hippo were definite highlights of the day!

It was great to be back in St. Louis with all the great food....I mean all the wonderful people! We gathered one night at Sweet Tomatoes with family, had dinner with my brother and his wife and I even spent an afternoon with a friend from high school I hadn't seen in over 20 years!

What wonderful memories....I am SO grateful for my husband who supports me to take these trips and who stayed home to work and take care of our pets! Thank you honey!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I'm so Proud of my boys!

This week I have been given some great reasons to be proud of my boys....

I had this brilliant idea Monday morning to head out to a great new swimming hole we found in Albany called the Swanson Pool that afternoon. The weather forecasted a hot day and the rest of the week looked pretty busy with cooler temperatures. So, we all hustled on chores and headed out to run a few errands before our fun afternoon.

One of those was to visit a friend in the hospital. We planned to spend some time visiting, then head home eat lunch and be there right when it opened. When we got to the hospital, there was quickly a change of plans. Our friend was being released to go home! It was a great thing and since we were already there, we agreed to be the transportation. Well, that took about 3 hours so I had to break it to Connor and Brody that we were not going to get to the pool that day after all due to the limited hours of open swim time. This was such an opportunity for them to shine and shine they did! I just told them that people were more important than our plans. While we did talk and acknowledge how disappointing it was for us, we also focused on what a great thing for our friend Aldine to be back in her room where she could continue to heal! She also showered them with lemon drops which probably didn't hurt either;)

We got to that pool the next day and enjoyed ourselves with a wonderful afternoon!

My other proud moment came this morning. Connor woke up with a stomach ache and a feeling like he might get sick. (I think it turned out to be hunger since he didn't like my meatloaf last night and hardly ate anything!) Connor was on the couch resting and reading and Brody VOLUNTEERED to do his chores for him! After a few were done, I asked him why he did that and he said it was "just because Connor doesn't feel good." I asked him if he felt he should get extra gems for that and he said he didn't know but he would ask Connor if it was OK! Isn't that just the sweetest thing! It was such a selfless act of kindness and melted my heart to see him love on his brother like that!

Now to find those pictures from the pool.....

Sunday, August 15, 2010

MY Tax Table

As I walked through my dining room this evening, I had a flashback! I was a little kid walking through our dining room at my dad's house and it was tax season! That is how my table looks right now only my "tax" work is school preparation!

I am excited to plan for this year. I realize I always start out with more subjects and plans than I end up with and I just pray that the important things stick! Some new things for this year...

  • A Character Curriculum teaching virtues through Aesop Fables and the Bible
  • Adding on a bible study in addition to Sonlight
  • Journal Jars with topics to pull and grab from
  • Piecing together my own LA curriculum (very nervous about this one!)
  • Trying English from the Roots Up AGAIN
  • Scheduling light on Wednesdays to accommodate for co op with less stress (hopefully)
  • Fun on some of the good stuff for last!
  • Adding Unit Studies in Science
  • Critical Thinking Studies
  • Connor - math on CD! (Teaching Textbooks...YIPPEE for mom)
  • Connor - Football Math (lessons on Fridays)
  • Brody - Study on sheep this year
  • A new attack plan on creative writing

Wow! I'm not sure if I can make it all fit! Maybe I shouldn't have listed them out like this? I'm sure a few more days at the drawing board and I will feel just fine! I am really looking forward to this year and getting a little bit more organized! Summer has been great and we have really enjoyed ourselves, but I think it will be a great school year too!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Lazy Days of Summer.....

Whoever came up with that saying hasn't taken 2 vacations both with LONG road trips in one summer!

We have been back a week now from our second and last trip and I have been anxious but not stressed to get back to my blog! I don't like it when so much time has passed, I feel I will leave something out...but attempt it anyway I will do!

The boys and I packed up again and headed to St. Louis Missouri this time to visit with family and friends. We only stayed a day....before driving to Virginia for my little brother's wedding. Luckily Aunt Lara made the journey with us;)

Our one day in St. Louis was spent well though; visiting at Grandma Louise's, swimming and a Cardinal baseball game all wrapped up on one!

Here are the boys hanging out with Grandma Louise at her place, and with Aunt Kathy sporting their new Cardinal shirts!

There was a little bit of rain at the game, but Connor especially was fired up to see the Cardinals!

Then we drove to Maryland where we attended the rehearsal dinner for the wedding of James & Jennifer which was taking place the next day. It was great to be a part of it and to see some family from Kansas City and Florida that we haven't seen in a few years. That night it was off to Virginia where we checked into our hotel and passed out. Nana booked us a hotel with a pool so we were there bright and early in the morning working off some energy before the wedding that day!

My "little" brother and his bride to be and James with Connor and Brody.

Here is me with my boys! It is not often that mom gets in the picture!

Of course Aunt Lara kept Connor and Brody highly entertained at the reception!

Here is Nana, Papa, Connor and Brody at the reception!

I don't have any pictures of the bride and groom because they had a photographer that was very thorough so I stayed out of his way! It was a beautiful day and we were so glad to be able to make it to celebrate with them!

After the wedding we spent a few days visiting with our family there and on our last day Papa took us over to the pool in his neighborhood which was a huge hit for my little fish. They got to go off their first diving board AND they had a basketball hoop which was a ton of fun! The word of the day was "cannonball"!Then we drove back to Missouri where we spent another 4 days which will have to be updated in another post...SO much fun stuff!