Thursday, October 22, 2009

Aunt Lara & Early Birthday Surprises!

We were so blessed to have Aunt Lara visit this past weekend! We were also blessed to have some real down time and relax! The day we were supposed to be busy, Connor wasn't feeling good so it kept us grounded again. We did get to go apple picking on the way home from the airport which was something new for her so that was fun!

She brought early birthday presents for the boys that they were so excited warm jammies! They were perfect...sports theme for Connor and monkeys for Brod! We wanted them to get them early so we could surprise them with our present at the same time. Bryan and I are taking them on The Polar Express train ride from Mount Hood in November as a combo birthday present! They were very excited and I am sure they will be well dressed for the occasion!

They played football, watched football, and played lots of games. We are so glad that she comes out so often to see us. Actually, she comes out so much that Connor was only a little sad when she left this time and he told me this...
"I don't have to be so sad because I KNOW I will see her soon, before I didn't know that".
So precious!


Unknown said...

What a fun visit - I love the photos.

HEY! We're going on the Arizona Polar Express soon! That pajama idea is such a good one. We'll have to share stories afterwards. The boys look so handsome in their new pjs.

Beth said...

Awww. I'm glad it is getting easier for Connor to say good bye. It sound like you had a nice time with your sister. Their pjs are cute and look very cozy. The apple orchard looks beautiful.