Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Pitter Patter of Little Feet

Doesn't that just sound sweet?

Not so sweet when those little feet are walking over your head at 2:30 in the morning!!! I'm not sure what has gotten into our cat but he has decided that would be the best time for him to get some attention. He has food, doesn't need all I can assume is that he wants to be loved. I guess the hours he spends in our laps before beds only stretches so far and he runs out about this time. So, we are working on that...but otherwise everything is going great with those little feet.

Now onto more and more little feet! Our first month is done with the homeschool co op and it is going great! At least I think it is and my boys are having a blast! I have always wanted to do this and am really enjoying myself. It is in a way the same program that I got started in California only that didn't really have time to get off the ground.

God has brought 13 wonderful families to come together each and every week. (we have had to start a waiting list) Not only did He provide a place for us to meet, but it is a great place that is happy to have us there and even has an indoor "gym" area! Our home church, Court Street Christian Church here in Salem has opened their doors to us and have been wonderful to work with!

We are organizing a PE class each week and having a presentation class almost every week. This is where kids can get up and share things such as a poem memorization, scripture verses, book reports and show and tell! I am organizing some art lessons and projects that we do twice a month and we have one session where we just focus on some sort of "group project". This week we collected all sorts of recycle items such as milk jugs, boxes, and paper towel tubes. We split the class into groups and had them decide as a group what to build. They had some time to decide then got to building and then presented their creations to the whole group. It went really well and was a great exercise. It was a great chance to involve kids with different opinions and work with other kids besides siblings!

Starting next month we will have one meeting a month where we separate the boys and girls and have sort of a club meeting with a devotion time, craft and anything else we decide to plug in there!

Our mission is this....

"To enhance our homeschooling experience by providing a time and opportunity for our kids to participate in activities better executed in a group environment."

One of my main goals was to spend one afternoon having different "elective" type classes to fill in the gaps (FIGS) of things we can't or don't do at home. I want less on my calendar and this is a real great fit for us!

Here is our last art project...tear bears! They came out so cute!


Joanna Christiansen said...

I love the tear bears! I am so happy that you got your group going! We are still meeting here once per month with 5 families. We have mostly been doing lapbooks together. We did Squanto for Thanksgiving, then we did an Olympic one, we just started a dinosaur one. You started a good thing here, and I will pray that your group up there continues to do well!

Christy said...

Great mission statement friend. I am so glad God has worked out all the details for you and the other families. What fun! :) Oh and just FYI our kitten thinks 2am, 3am and anywhere in between is a great time to walk across our heads. *sigh* Its like having anther infant in the house just with more fur and 4 legs! :) i think the funniest part is watching Dan get mad and try to catch him in the dark. He! he!

Anonymous said...

Let me know if you need a specific art lesson. I'd be happy to help out.