Wednesday, September 15, 2010

So Good to be back!

With school starting back up, many things seem to run along with it. All of a sudden I find myself a new kind of busy again.

Last Wednesday was our first day back to FIGS, our co op that meets every week during the school year. We had some great park days over the summer, but it is good to be back seeing everyone on a regular basis and seeing all "my kids" each week. I really missed them even though I enjoyed the break at the same time.

We have some great additions to our year that I am very excited about. One mom is teaching a drama class each week and after the new year the group will be creating and performing from scratch our very own play that we will perform at the end of the school year. It sounds like quite the project but I believe it to be in good hands!

I will be continuing with my art lessons and even met with a real art teacher a few weeks ago who was our judge at our art show. She will be coming in to teach a lesson on perspective and I got some great ideas for the year.

In our presentation portion of our "class" we will be adding Biography for the older kids and Star Student for everyone. Each week 2 kids will share all about themselves with us and I am excited for that. I already completed the schedule for the year which I joke about being a 720 square grid Suduko puzzle!

Today in PE we had our first fitness test which was a huge amount of fun! We will be dedicating the first session of each month to tracking progress in four categories including; shuttle run, long jump, push ups and sit ups.

Today was also our first Knights meeting (Boys club) and it was one of my favorites so far! We had some guests from the Salem Fencing Club who shared some great history information with us along with some great show and tell and fencing demonstrations! We did a devotion on the armor of God focusing on the Sword of the Spirit and made the ever so popular noodle swords. We changed the design and they were a huge hit! Of course let me just warn you...if you give 22 boys swords of any kind in an enclosed room, please except some level of chaos!

It IS good to be back and I am looking forward to spending time each week with these wonderful families.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You guys have so much fun stuff going on, I just want to join in.
So please share (e-mail me?) what you changed about the noodle sword design. I printed out the instructions for use at a party on the 29th!