I am reading The Purpose of Christmas by Rick Warren and came across this today that really stuck with me. I have heard way more than once that I should be able to give my "testimony" in 1 minute or less! I have been encouraged to write it out and to be honest have never even tried! For someone who talks like me and would have so much to share on the topic, 1 minute seems impossible! But today, I found this in his book and thought it was a brilliant way to do just that...
He was explaining that when you accept Jesus as your Savior...
He proceeded to say that..."No one else can make that kind of offer. Only God can." Since I am always looking for a good deal, how could I pass this up?
Wow!! One sentence that sums it all up for me...that is what I got, what I have, and what I have to look forward to! Bryan always says that I tend to complicate things and I never could of made "it" this simple, but in reality it is.
What a great thing for me to reflect on as I prepare for Christmas this season.
A Football hemet made from recycled materials!
Yes, you saw here it first folks!
This son of mine can do all sorts of amazing things with cardboard and loves to create. He made a train with a track recently and a football field complete with goal posts. I told him today that maybe someone will get him a Costco size package of tape for Christmas and he got a huge smile on his face! As the packages start rolling in for Christmas, I'm not sure if he is more excited by the actual package or the contents!
Oh yah..in case you can't see it clearly that is a panther on the side which makes this a Carolina Panthers helmet!
I sure hope he doesn't get tackled in it, but it is darn cute!
Laughing at your last line: "I hope he doesn't get tackled in it, but it sure is cute." I agree! What a creative guy! LOVE the panther.
what great deals on both of them. Totally different levels but still great! Connor looks so cute. Can't wait to get the football buddies together.
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