Webster's Dictionary defines grateful this way; warmly or deeply appreciative of kindness or benefits received; thankful.
I am unexpectedly stealing and idea from my friend Christy. I don't think she will mind, since she too got the idea from a friend also. The idea is to come up with a "word" to live by for the year instead of a resolution. Great idea huh? My thoughts exactly. Thanks Christy and Christy P! I hate resolutions and can't remember the last time I came up with one or especially kept one. They have always made me feel like a failure and since I needed none of that in my life, I let it go.
This however is a new concept and one with focus and clarity and I love it!
I actually liked the idea after reading it on her blog, but didn't plan to implement it... but from the moment I woke up yesterday morning all through the day my mind kept bringing this word up. OK, God...I get it!
So, I came to realize that if I can focus my heart to be grateful this year it really would accomplish any resolutions I might have come up with. Here are some thoughts......
- If in my heart I am grateful for the realization that the Creator of the Universe actually created a way for me to talk directly with Him and realize that He wants to hear from me, how could I not pray more?
- If each and every day I can be grateful just for the presence of my kids and my husband, how could I resist spending more time with them and treating them the best that I can?
- I mean if I can truly be grateful for this body (even in the sorry shape it is in) and my health, then that should encourage me to take better care of it. Right?
- If I can open my pantry and be grateful for all that is in it, how could I not reach out to those that are hungry?
- If when I lay my head down at night and look up at my ceiling grateful for my home and shelter, how could I not think of those without that blessing or be discontent at all with what state I am in or what house I have?
- If I can be grateful that God's word has sustained through all these years and is so readily available to me in a country that offers freedom of religion, how could I not open my bible more?
These just scratch the surface, but the list goes on and on! I look forward to discovering more and more as I work on a heart change and focus for this new year.
I looked down at my computer just now and saw this verse from Proverbs 4:23 that I had put there a while ago.
"Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life." I hope my course this year to be a good one focused on gratitude and thankfulness. Wish me luck!
What a great idea - I'm a fan of focus, clarity, and simplicity, too. I like how you turned your word into more thoughts on each of the things you want to work on. I'll pray for ya!
Hey we all came up with words for the new year in the Yucaipa moms group too. My word is tenacious. If I am tenacious I won't procrastinate, I'll stay on top of my schedule, the house will clean, things won't pile up, I will complete the goals I set...
I like your word grateful. Here is to a year of improvement.
Great idea. I'm not a big fan of resolutions either...I do enjoy creating "goals" but I like the word idea a lot. Let's see mine would be "Discipline". I am very organized but I need to have discipline to follow through all that I organize!
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