Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Something or Someone to Love

My all time favorite book (thanks to my friend Liz Allen) is A Charlotte Mason Companion written by Karen Andreola. I love the Charlotte Mason style of homeschooling and try to incorporate her ideas as much as I can. This book has been so helpful to me and Chapter 3 is titled What is Education? In there she explains how each day we should be sure that our children have 3 things...
  • Something or Someone to Love
  • Something to Do
  • Something to Think About
I was chuckling to myself the other day thinking I doubt that Charlotte Mason from the late 1800's could imagine something like this filling part of that bill!

But my boys are CRAZY about their Webkinz!! They got them from our friends Kim and Zack and I had no idea what they were all about, but she assured me they are good clean fun. They are so excited to take care of these virtual pets and are having a total blast with them! The games are a little addicting and I'm not sure how I feel about sharing my computer time but it is kind of cute to see them so excited about this! I don't know how long it will last, but they are really caring about these little stuffed animals and enjoy seeing them come to life on the computer! They like checking on their little meters to see how happy, healthy and well fed they are. I have to admit, my first thought was I didn't like them making their pets happy by filling up their rooms with a bunch of stuff...but I took a deep breath and listened to my husband say that some things need to just be for fun! So, Ok, I won't count them in the education category you boys just enjoy your toys!


Beth said...

Cute pictures of the boys. They look so cozy in their sweats.

Christy said...

Just "fun" is good and so important. :)

Unknown said...

How fun! Joseph has a Webkinz, too and he really enjoys it, but it goes in phases. Sometimes he likes to check every day, and sometimes less often. He saved his own money to buy a second and got a third for his birthday, so he has a whole zoo going. I have to confess I'm addicted to the game "Tile Tower" and I wish Joe would let me buy stuff more often - I think I could make a really cool room!!!

junglemama said...

My kids enjoy their Webkinz too!