Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Am I still Grateful?

I'm sure everyone is on pins and needles wondering how I am doing on my grateful journey, huh? Just kidding...but in case you are....here it goes.

Well, I went 55 days without logging a thing! Pretty pathetic, huh? I got in a funk for a couple of reasons. I really wanted to come up with a unique item for each line, I wanted to duplicate nothing! I thought it couldn't be that hard to come up with 5 new things each day to be grateful for! However when it got a little tougher, I started to quit. Then I have the great excuse of single parenting, packing, preparing a new house to move into, preparing a old house to leave, finishing up our homeschooling year and oh yah, let's throw in an addition and remodel on that new house too! Obviously, I feel justified in letting my project go or I wouldn't of just shared those excuses; BUT I am happy to say that I have put all that behind me and decided not to quit! So, on Friday, I decided to back up to June 1 and start again and it feels great! I have now completed day 4 of my new and improved journey!

I have to say one of the biggest things on my lists....the ugly wetbar in my family room that was seconds away from demolition just a few months ago. I am SO glad we saved it because I would hate to see how bad we would be eating without it! It has a counter to work on, a sink to wash dishes in, a few cabinets to store food and dishes in and even two drawers...one for silverware and of course a junk drawer too! What a blessing!

Really though, what purpose did this serve in the family room and who would want this thing by their front door? (unless you are remodeling of course) Literally the real kitchen is just about 5 steps to the left? Crazy, but I am not complaining!

To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven. Johannes A. Gaertner


Unknown said...

Good for you for altering your perspective toward gratefulness. I agree, though, what a wonky place to put that. They must really have liked their entertaining - and NOT walking those grueling five steps all the way to the kitchen!

Christy said...

ya' kinda wierd. I am sure you will fix it all up and make it great. ;)