Sunday, March 14, 2010

Before and After

In our church bulletin this morning there was a little green card.

On one side it simply said.."Before I met Christ" and on the other side it reads "Now that I know Christ." At the bottom is a place for your signature.

It really got me thinking about how I would fill this out. A few years ago I gave my testimony at a MOPS meeting and it was a very tearful cleansing experience. However, I look back and think how different it would be today. I have moved so much farther past "my past" and although I don't want to forget that person, I hardly recognize her or relate to her. I have been the new me long enough in my adult life that I am now more used to this version of myself. However it was still easy to fill out the before part and on the other side I just wanted to write...BETTER! I thought it would be good though to complete it...

Before I met Christ...

My "moral compass" was clear direction on right and wrong.
I lived a very selfish life which is the wordly standard.
I had no real hope of anything better.
I filled my life with destructive behavior to feel loved and fill any void I felt in my life.

Now that I know Christ...

I look to God's word for direction on right and wrong in my life!
I try each day to live out God's purpose for me. I realize that living for the moment is a very lonely place!
I know this life is temporary and believe with all my heart that heaven is real and amazing and I want to go there!
The deep hole in my soul has been filled and I know I am loved by God no matter what!

So, that is basically it in a nutshell. Not quite as complicated as I thought.


1 comment:

Christy said...

Yup' Better friend! Better! :)