After my little conference with Connor, he decided to grade me as well in the teacher category. He said for sure my effort would be E and my actual grade would be an S. I told him it meant a lot that he knows how hard I try and I am completely happy with a satisfactory grade overall;) Brody didn't volunteer but when I asked him later he also said he would give me an E for my effort grade and he couldn't decide between an E or an S for my overall grade. I was very happy....needless to say!
We played a complete game of Monopoly which took a really long time then ate a lesiurely lunch while reading. After blasting some music and getting our chores done, we splurged with some Wii time where I realized that I am way to old for Mariokart! How on earth do they keep with all that is going on? They still loved playing with me which made me feel great! They didn't even complain when I pulled down the whole team and our chances for the trophy;) Then we pulled out the Wii Sports which I do much better in. We had a blast and it was a really fun and memorable day!
I figured this was a great time to post their school pictures for this year, it is going by so quickly! I am so blessed and honored to be home with them every day and I promise to keep trying to earn that Excellent grade for my effort in making our decision for home education a good experience for both of them!

Brody 2nd Grade 2010-2011