Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I see something SHINY!

My husband has a long standing joke with me and says that I "often see something shiny." This is his way of saying how easily I can get distracted and jump from one thing to the next. It makes me feel a little like Dory from Nemo, but I know he is a little bit right too. This morning I was so aware of it as I went to do a simple thing such as getting a box from my bedroom closet to prepare a package to take to the post office. I decided that this big post office trip really needed to happen today, so it kind of threw off our morning getting packages wrapped and cards signed and we were already off our routine. As I headed to the bedroom, here is what happened.....

1) I walked by the boys room noticing that their beds needed to be straightened. They do make their beds, but have added an extra blanket to their bed and it is harder for them, so I wanted them to look nice. Why? I have no is a feeling of accomplishment, something concrete that screams that I take care of the house! So, I started fixing them when I heard....

2) JAKE!!! Our dog's name being screamed at the top of both their lungs followed by tears could only mean one thing since they were finishing breakfast! Yup, Jake had proceeded to grab Brody's sausage patty right off the plate. So, then I had to kennel the dog, console my youngest child, and cook a new piece of sausage for him.

3) Then since I had already done the other dishes, I went to clean the pan a little to early and even burned my hand.

4) I took out the recycle trash which included the box from the new sausage.

5) Then I headed back down the hall and back to their room at last...While finishing the beds, I noticed that a few books and toys did not make it back on the shelves. Well, since they were giong to help wrap, I could help with that, right?

6) Then I was summoned back to the kitchen to peel a banana for Brody (and backwards I might add, from the end that no one peels from!)

7) While in the kitchen, I noticed the dryer stopped so I checked the laundry that I had going and after folding clothes from the dryer and moving the washed load into the dryer, I realized something...

I was going to blog about this and had to stop the insanity.
So, I got the box!
Can anyone say....Laura Numeroff??? Maybe her next big hit will be,
If You Give a Mom a Minute.


Unknown said...

I'd buy that book in a hot second!
"If you give a mom a minute" - what a GREAT book. And with those illustrations like in her books - FABulous!!! Someone call her!

By the way, all my days, every day - are like that! Shiny, shiny, shiny!

Beth said...

Such a typical day in the life of a stay at home mom. And they wonder why nothing gets done!!! Come on...

Caleb just read 4 of her books today. I agree If you give a mom a minute.. it can turn into so much more.

What made Brody what the banana peeled like that? I've never heard of anyone doing that :)

Christy said...

Oh my gosh. that is soooooo me! At least you made it back to the box, half the time I cant remember what I was goign after in the first place. ;) Oh and by the way, I LOVE the picture of you and Brody to the left. You look beautiful!!!!!! Great picture! Last but not least here is the intor. to your book;
If You Give A Mom A Minute
If you give a mom a minture she will make the beds,
make you lunch,
pick up the legos, walk the dog,
change a diaper, check her e-mail
wash the baby, start the wash, scrub the toilet, dry the tears,
bandage the "OUCH" and mop up the juice all the while peeling the banana from the wrong side and talking on the phone! Whew!

junglemama said...

Life can get so hectic that before we know it we have gone from thing to thing and passsed the wole day away. GLad you found something special for yourself.