Friday, May 29, 2009

House Update

Well, tomorrow is moving day and I am a little stressed! Of course I don't have a kitchen which is a struggle in itself, but I do find myself grateful for the wet bar in the family room after all! It turns out that will come in handy! I SO wanted this move to go smoother than I feel it is going. I thought since we were moving locally this time, it would be so much better, but it is a move and that is just stressful. So, I am learning to let go. I hired some movers who will be here in the morning so tomorrow will be the worst of it!

Just barely in time, we got a bathroom almost done and the shower should be functioning by tomorrow afternoon! So, that is good news.

The ironic thing is that the boys are absolutely "freaked out" by any kind of bug right now after the bee sting incident. They are scared to be outside and it is frustrating me. I have tried to be patient, then logical, and I just feel downright agitated! We have been waiting for sunshine for months, and here it is and I am inside packing and cleaning and the boys are scared to go out! Everyone keeps telling me, they will get over it, but I am still waiting! How long can this take? Any words of wisdom will be appreciated!

Here are a few pictures of the start on the addition. The foundation is done and the framing will start can't happen quick enough for me!

I have to say it was a little scary to see that hole dug, I realized there is no turning back now!

The last two nights we have been at the house, we saw this wonderful visitor in the yard! It is amazing that she just stood there and kept eating the whole time we were unloading the van! I know when I get a garden started, I won't be so thrilled to see them, but for now it is cool!

I realize the picture isn't that great, but it is a deer!

I did get some great news today and it seems high speed internet is available in my area after all! I am very excited about that but it won't be hooked up until the end of next week! I will have to see if I can manage that! It should enable me to get a lot I need to do now! Signing off...for now!

Big Graduation Day!

Well, my little boy is officially "done" with kindergarten! I wanted to make it a little special, but things are a little crazy right now! So, we did something so it didn't go by without getting celebrated! It is a big deal after all to complete your kindergarten year!

We went to the party store to pick out a special cap that of course he ended up not wanting to wear, but did for a picture! Also, I made him a graduation certificate and we went to celebrate at Coldstone, his choice of course!
(When Connor graduated, he was part of a group and they had a big celebration and I didn't want Brod to feel like his passed by! )

He is very proud of himself and kept saying all day..."I graduated into the first grade." I am proud of him too, he did a great job this year and I can't wait for next! Way to go Brody!

Since I am writing about Brody, I have to put a funny little Brody story in here....

We are moving so of course there are boxes and boxes everywhere! Well, we had 2 pretty good size boxes that were for goodwill items, things we are getting rid of. So, we have been piling things in there and filled them up full. I guess they saw some beloved treasures go in there because I overheard Brody the other day when he was sitting with the dog tell him..."Don't worry Pus, we won't give you away to the goodwill." It was so precious! He was so sincere and really wanted Jake to feel loved, the move is really stressing him out!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Other Half!

Well, today my other one turned the big 7 1/2! I tried to still make it a special day even though things are a bit hectic with the move happening in just a few days! We just had to bake the cake, but I did make him wait until after dinner to have a piece! He also picked what he wanted for dinner which was home made pizza. We make a healthy wheat crust and daddy isn't to fond of it, so we eat it a lot when he is gone. Both Connor and Brody have decided like square pizzas and I will take them trying something "new" any shape I can get it!

Connor is really growing up. He has a confidence in himself that is new and so fun to see. He is a great big brother and loves to be a help to me. He really loves to have "work" to do and so I try to keep him busy. He feels so accomplished when he can do things like make his own lunch and get his own glass of milk. We just bought a new washer and dryer and he is excited about the front load so he can learn to do his own laundry! (Look for future post where I am complaining that I can't get Connor to do his laundry!) He is finishing up the 2nd grade and it was a good year in school. He has a great imagination when it comes to play and is one of the most loyal kids I know! I love you Connor and have a great time being your mom!

Friday, May 22, 2009

She Can't Be Done!

This is the prayer that I have been praying for weeks. I have really wanted to knock God's socks off with some incredibly thought out prayers full of words beautifully drawn together backed up by verses and complete confidence in His plan. But it seems the majority of the time I just kept telling him...."She can't be done". I would wake up with that prayer in my heart just as I did this morning.

She can't be done...

Showing so many people a glimpse of Jesus just through who she is
Being a wife to Pastor Don
Being a mom to Talicia, Trey and Tawndi
Being a grandma to all those grandkids she loved so dearly
Loving on moms and mentoring through MOPS
Cuddling any baby she could get a hold of
Talking to strangers wherever she went
Being a gift giver
Making anyone feel welcome at YCC
Sitting next to strangers just to get to know them
Passing that smile on to so many people just when they need it
Loving on all those people at Braswell's that she cared so deeply for
Performing countless acts of service to show God's love
Being an inspiration in so many ways to SO many people
Giving timeless advice on faith, marriage, and mothering

This morning Aldeana passed away. So many of us will mourn the loss of Aldeana Hinkle while Jesus welcomes her into His arms. I know that she is in heaven and I am so happy for her, but I can't believe she is done here. I know that she is hearing Him tell her, "well done good and faithful servant" but I can't believe she is done here. I know that so many lives here on earth will be forever changed because of knowing her, but I can't believe she is done. I know that a lot more rooms are occupied in heaven because of her, but I can't believe she is done, and I am sad. My heart breaks for Pastor Don and his family and for all of those that won't have a chance to be touched or changed through Aldeana.

But, I have to count on God's perfect timing and trust in His plan. Then I have to realize that she isn't done BECAUSE of all the people she impacted throughout her life. I have to realize that even though so many might not meet the physical Aldeanna, they can still be touched and changed through her spirit that lives on. I have to trust that the exact ways she touched lives will ripple on through generations to come and that truly....

She can't possibly be done yet!

For that I am grateful.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The End of an Era

This weekend, I hit a milestone in my mothering career that for me truly signifies the next step in my journey.

I attended my last MOPS meeting.

Brody will start 1st grade in the fall and that makes me no longer eligible the way MOPS is designed. I have been in MOPS since Connor was just a couple of months old, and I remember attending my first meeting. I was a new mom and hadn't been out much with my little bundle of joy and since MOPS was a new experience for me, I made sure I was adequately prepared for anything. I am still teased about the sheer amount of "stuff" I brought into that first meeting, my stroller piled so high, I doubt you could even see my sweet baby in there!

I realize how much MOPS has been a part of life, especially in the early years. I met SO many of my really good friends there who have shared such an important time of my life with me and my boys. I learned so much about parenting in general, and about being a wife from the mentors in the group. I will always remember Aldeanna telling me..."you have to remember; we are not raising children, we are raising adults." I will always remember the amazing stories of love lived through her stories of her marriage to Pastor Don. I was constantly moved by the sweetness of Dorothy Veliquette and how she prayed for all of us. Her stories made me laugh and cry and her dedication to her marriage and her kids has inspired me.

I was forever changed by "the ooey gooey lady" and fed numerous yummy breakfast meals and more egg dishes than I could count. I was given a place to participate in leadership by putting to good use some of my interests and passions. I was given a place to "vent" and share my frustrations that went into my new everyday life of mommyhood. I found a new place to belong.

MOPS meant so much to me that I even spent a few years organizing a Teen MOPS because I wanted them to be blessed as I was through this incredible ministry.

But now, I have big kids. I can no longer use the term "babysitter" (just ask the boys!) and I can no longer attend MOPS. It does go by fast.....

Thank you MOPS for being there for me...I pray that God will continue to use this outlet, and mothers all over the world, to reach and connect with each other as we tackle one of the toughest jobs on earth.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Finally First

It is tough being the second kid and Brody is no exception. It must be hard to rarely be "first" in something big when you have an older brother. Brody didn't get to ride his bike first, loose a tooth first, ride an airplane first, meet any family member first, read first, start school first or be the first one to graduate to a big boy high back booster car seat.

This morning Brody came up to me and got teary eyed as he said to me.....

"Mom, I'm the first one of your kids to get stung by a bee."

It was such a sweet moment and I just snuggled him and held him tight for as long as he let me, and he was absolutely right.

It happened yesterday here at the "old house" (as we call it now) when we were in the backyard pulling weeds and getting the yard ready because the owner put the house on the market today! It was a pretty traumatizing event because the boys were working together by a shed in the back and they saw a bee or two and started screaming then one went up Brody's shirt and stung his chest and one landed on Connor's shirt too. They were both absolutely hysterical and it took me a minute to figure out what is going on. Brody was as tough as could be expected because after all that does hurt! Poor Connor would almost cry just telling someone the story! I thought it was just a bee or two so after we got Brody fixed up and after I knew he wasn't showing any signs of any allergies, I went back out to tackle the rest of the yard work by myself. It was then I realized that there was a nest of them in a birdhouse on the shed and I had two fly into my hair. It was pretty creepy and the boys told me later that they had never seen me scream like that! They are still a little paranoid to go out and I don't blame them.

I know Brody will have more "firsts" but I doubt he will forget this one for a long time!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

May has been busy!

Wow! Where has the time gone? This month is flying by! It could be because we have a lot going on, but I wanted to capture some of the big events of the last few weeks!!
Last Saturday the boys and I had a fun day! We started the day at the Home Depot workshop... a favorite thing of theirs to do!

Then, in the afternoon we headed up to Oregon City to see a high school performance of The Miracle Worker! It was pouring down rain and we got soaked, but it was worth it! I heard about it through one of my homeschool groups and we were definitely impressed! We have been reading about Helen Keller through a few books we have and I thought it would be a good thing to do while they are interested in specifically deafness. I have hired a man to do the cabinets in the new house and he is deaf and can't speak at all so I have been explaining to the kids how we communicate. I think meeting someone has peaked their interest even more. Connor sits up and reads at night and many nights I have to go tell him to turn out the light, or I'm afraid he would stay up all night! He kept reading her story over and over and did an incredible narration this week for school on her life. Since he has read it so much, he actually memorized parts of a book, but he also grasped some of the concepts I was hoping too, such as Annie Sullivan's perseverance!

We have all the bedrooms painted and the had dry wall put up in the garage so we are making progress. We are waiting for the permits and working through the bids to make a final decision on who to hire. I am anxious to get moving on this as we will be moving in very soon!

I found some bunk beds for the boys that I liked and they are thrilled! They are so excited and already arguing over who gets the top...what was I thinking? Every day when I go over there to work, they are just on the top playing. They have dragged all the toys that I have taken over there up on the bed and play for hours. Today the sun was shining so instead they went out and played baseball!

Last Saturday I attended the Celebration of Life service for Darian. It was an incredible time of laughter and sadness and was so well done! Both of his parents spoke and did an amazing job and it really was a beautiful service. I was so amazed at the sheer number of people that Darian and his family have touched. There was well over 600 people there and even the new sanctuary couldn't hold that crowd. They had to line up chairs in the hallway and the coffee area and a lot of us stood in the back. Connor and Brody decided not to attend and I honored that choice and hired a sitter so I could go. I learned at the service how much Darian loved slurpees so after taking Emily home, off the boys and I went to 7-Eleven! Connor asked me lots of questions about Darian, especially about the funny memories and stories that were told so I kept telling him all I knew!

Oh yah, and on a much lighter note....If you are ever looking for a way to occupy two little boys for hours on might help to have a sister in the rubber business. They found a piece in a package that she sent to me and went crazy creating a robot! Then they found my stash in a closet and created a whole army of rubber robots! This is half of the army, they created a total of you can see they are very detailed and darn cute if I do say so myself. Some of guns and some of swords...BOYS!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Burn Baby Burn!

OK, so what it is with boys and fires? Last weekend when we were working on the house, Sammy and Titus came over and the boys were all building a pretend "fire pit" on the patio. It was quite cute and they were enjoying using their imagination, but then daddy decided they should get a real fire going! So, he built a little fire pit and they had a blast.

The next day we had someone come and mow down the disaster that was taking over our new place and we had our first burn pile. You know you are far out when you have to burn your yard waste! I have to say after living in Southern California for so long, the whole burn pile thing was pretty hard for me. You just leave it there...burning...and burning...and then smoking and smoking. Everyone assured me that the ground is so wet that there is no way it will spread but I couldn't help it. It just didn't seem right. I had a hard time sleeping the first night and was grateful when I saw the house still standing the next day! I was also grateful for homeowners insurance just in case! Here is our the remainder of our pile the next day...still smoking a little!

I can't believe the change in the place just mowing down all that growth! I can't believe we own all this!

Also, here was what the kitchen went through this week. Bryan worked SO hard to do the demo work and save us some money. He took care of the kitchen and the master bathroom this week. He was supposed to get 4 days off, but got called into work after 2, so he really did amazing getting it done! Now he will be busy at a big job he is working on at Portland airport so he won't be available for much more! I have been meeting with contractors and subs all week getting estimates for the work ahead! Hopefully Monday I start the permit process...we have to move in June 1st! I was hoping to already have the work started, but we will see. It will be a challenge to finish school for the summer, work on the new place, pack and get the this place ready this next month, it reminds me of what happened just last year!!! UUGHH! Hopefully I can do without the infection in my leg and I will feel one step ahead!

The boys were so happy to work and help daddy. They cleared out the drywall and tile pieces and took them to the dumpster we rented. They worked really hard.

What have we gotten ourselves into???