Saturday, April 24, 2010

Like a Good Neighbor

I have been reflecting this afternoon on how blessed I have been with great neighbors in my life, specifically the last few moves. I remember Kathi and Richard who lived across the way when I was going to live by myself for the first time. They were friendly and helpful and even sent there teenage son over to do all my heavy lifting. They would help with my dog when I was working long hours and even bring me goodies once in a while. They were wonderful to talk to you and kept me company during what could of been a lonely time.

Then of course in Yucaipa, Bryan and I lived next door to his parents for 9 years and they too were terrific neighbors! We spent a lot of time together and I would even call them Jody Brothers Market because I constantly went over there for missing groceries! She always had what I needed! We had wonderful afternoons on the patio and many yummy dinners over too. It was also extra special to walk a few steps for holiday occasions and avoid the awful traffic in Southern California!

We have already had two moves here in Salem and God has been good to us once again! Over on Alderbrook we had David & Aileen who lived right next door. They helped us in the yard and would answer any questions as we were learning our way around town. They were instrumental in our decision to buy the place we are in now and their daughter even drew the plans on our remodel.

I think of this because this afternoon when my doorbell rang it was a new neighbor of mine, LaVurne. She was holding an amazing bunch of lilacs pulled from her yard for me. They are so beautiful and have filled my home with beautiful color and sweet fragrance. Last weekend she called me and gave me a whole bunch of "starts" for us as we begin the huge landscaping project here. I called her a few weeks ago for some advice on our yard and she welcomed me over and walked me all over her property as well as came up and gave some specific advice on mine.

You know, neighbors have the potential to make life miserable and it is one thing that is hard to check out when buying a never know what will be on either side of you or even across the street. So, today I am grateful for the many blessings I have received from great neighbors and hope I can be a good one too.


Christy said...

Oh I agree about being a good neighbor; it's what God calls us to do and when others return that brotherly love what a blessing! I KNOW you are a good neighbor. We are so blessed here as well and I reflect on that often. :)When our area was evacuated last Sept. due to the fires even the firefighters commented on what a nice street of people we had and how lucky we were to live here. :)

Unknown said...

Lilacs are the MOST beautifully fragrant flower (my favorite) so that is so sweet your neighbors brought you some.

I'm a huge fan of good neighbors - even to the point of choosing a less desirable house to enjoy the neighbors. I'm so happy for you that you've had such great experiences with them, and it was fun reading the history.