Thursday, November 20, 2008

Our Grateful Board

This year I copied an idea I got from a website that suggested covering a door with paper and drawing pictures as a family of things you are grateful for. It sounded like a fun project so here we are just one week from Thanksgiving and I thought I would share some things that my precious little angels have been thankful for in no particular order....

The Bible (OK, I put this one first, I'm trying to look good here!)
Sheep Bank
The World
My Bed
My Big Pencil
Cake and Ice Cream
Hot Dogs
My Clock
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
My Piano
War (the cardgame)
Pancakes and Syrup
Hot Dogs
Chocolate Chips
Jake the Dog

Now, this makes up a pretty good list and I am proud of them for coming up with some really great things. I think keeping it up and on going has really encouraged us all to come up with more and more things. However, I can't help but notice and hopefully you did too, (without even straining), that as of today... I have been left off the list.

What makes it even worse is that I have been sending them to the board more than once a day and pretending not to anticipate, as they tell me to close my eyes as they eagerly add their latest idea to "the board". Then I am pretending to be so excited and pleased with what they did write even though once again it is not "My Mommy". Plus, I even started with some amazing stick figure drawings of how I am thankful for Daddy, Connor and Brody...still nothing.

Now, I know a thousand things have been written and I'm sure there are some great quotes out there on how unappreciated we moms are, so Lord knows I can't come up with anything better! I do know they love me but for some darn reason I was really hoping to make the poster! However, we still have a few days, I could still get crammed somewhere between those hot dogs and the big pencil!

But if it doesn't happen, that is OK too...I knew that when I accepted the position.


Kindra said...

SO cool you found out blog and I found yours. Great to see y'all doing so good. Miss you lots and been praying for you up there. So glad we can keep in touch through the blog world.

Beth said...

I love the idea Suzie. If it counts I'm thankful for you. Someday your boys will verbalize how much they appreciate you, I hope for your sake that it is soon, like in the next 24 hours. :)

(thanks for letting me vent to you yesterday, things are a little better)

junglemama said...

How sweet. I think I will do something like this with my kids!

Unknown said...

I agree with Beth - your appreciation might come in the future. The idea is a great one - I'm still trying to figure out how we're going to show our thankfulness this year.

Joanna Christiansen said...

Suzie in their mind perhaps it just goes without saying and is just so obvious to them that they are thankful to have you that they have neglected to put it on the board. I know exactly how you feel though. I had similar feelings when my nephew failed to do anything for my birthday other than the standard card. I too am grateful for your friendship. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Christy said...

great idea!!!