Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I've been tagged!

Ok, my first game of blog tag and I feel so honored! The "rules" say that I have to list 6 things that make me happy and pass on to tag 6 other people! I can easily follow the first one, but I don't know how to tag others yet, so I will settle for the first half. If you are reading this, and have not done this round, please feel free to participate and I will enjoy the credit of tagging you, though not officially!

1) My husband and kids ( I would look really bad if I didn't list it, though I agree with Teri that it should be obvious, but there it is anyway!) Actually I really enjoy watching them together, it is a special bond they have and makes me smile.

2) Clean Sheet Day - My husband laughs at me, but I really enjoy this small but special thing. I would wash them every day if it wasn't such a pain to make the bed, and I wasn't worried about the enviornment, and I didn't have to pay for water!

3) Capturing the perfect picture on camera! I LOVE this!

4) Getting a great deal and saving money! - I feel like this is part of my job as a stay at home and feel good when I have spent wisely. Just today I found for $1 at a thrift store a book that I wanted for the boys that new is $19.99, but I had on a wish list for $14.99, $1 even better!

5) Feeling safe - I love being inside a warm car or house when the weather is cold and yucky outside. It is such a great feeling of security and safety for me! I get a lot of that here in Oregon!

6) Finishing a good book - I struggled between putting starting and finishing a good book, because sometimes it is kind of bitter sweet to get to the end, but still a happy time!

Thanks Teri, it was fun!

Have a blessed day everyone!


Beth said...

I guess I know you pretty well because I wasn't surprised by any of the things you listed.Still fun to read though.

I hope all your time with company went well. I'm looking forward to visiting with you soon.

Christy said...

cute! I love clean sheets too and getting down under the cover when its freezing cold they smell sooooo good!