Friday, October 8, 2010

Words of Wisdom....from Connor

This year I tried something different to spice up their journal writing a little. I wrote on slips of paper a lot of different journal starters for each one of them. Then they decorated containers and we folded them and put them all in the jars along with 2 each that says "Skip Journal Today". I assign journal writing two times a week on Tuesdays and Fridays and I have to say they have been doing really well with this format. It challenges them a little more but they also feel more in control since they pick it;)

I want to share a few that Connor has written so far this school year. I will correct spelling, but leave it as written. I wish they copied or scanned better, but this will have to do. Enjoy!

The Qualities that make a best friend are....
To make a friend you need to have 5 qualities. To make a best friend, I like to have a similar age. I also like to like a few of the same things. You also need to like each other. You need to be kind and good. I like having friends to play with.

What makes you laugh?
There is a lot of things that make me laugh. For instance, I really laugh at the word Bootie! Brody can really make me laugh. He does really funny things, but I can too! Once we made ourselves fall off the bed and Brody fell on me! (I just remembered that it was the couch!) Laughing is really fun for me and Brody!!!

What would happen if you threw a piece of trash on the ground? What if everyone did?
If I threw my trash on the ground I would be a litter bug. If everyone threw their trash on the ground, the earth would be trash! IUE!! Then everybody would have to buy a gas mask. It would not be funny, but it would be stinky.

I am the happiest when...
Normally, when I am happiest is when I am not sick. I am also happy when I am watching football. I am also happy when I am laughing. I also love eating. I have fun playing football. I love it when I am happy.

Love....(he had to define it as a vocabulary assignment which is where the first part came from)
Love is giving to other basic needs without having as my motive a personal reward. Love is also to have a passion or devotion to someone. Love is also liking something. God loves us because He created us. Abraham showed that he loved God because God told him to sacrifice his son. Abraham did it. But before he actually did it, God said not to and gave him a ram.

What would happen if there were no rules?
If there was no law, it would be kind of fun! It would be fun because the government would make silly laws. There could be no such thing as school. (that would be kind of bad) If they made sports with no penalties or coaches, the quarterback could do whatever. The bad thing about no rules is that people would do bad things, like stealing, cheating, and killing. If there were no rules it would be good and bad.

Honestly, he came up with no school being bad all by himself! He is really doing a great job this year and has come a long way. Writing is harder for Connor because he is very logical and likes to have the "answer" in print before him. I am proud of him for thinking about some of these topics and coming up with some pretty great stuff! He is growing up so fast!

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