Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Real Talk

After my post yesterday (the title was meant to be funny)...I realized that today I did have to have a real talk with my boys about something. I have mentioned before about a family at our church going through cancer with the youngest boy in the family Darian. Well, this afternoon I got this update from his mom, Abby.

Good Afternoon,Darian is having alot of rattling in his breaths. Keith from Hospice came this afternoon and was with Darian for quite awhile. Darian loves Keith, and so do we. Keith let us know that it would probably be sooner than later (within 24-48 hours) that Darian goes to see Jesus.Although he sounds pretty bad, Darian is comfortable. He is now on oxygen all the time, and takes morphine every 2 hours, tylenol and adavan every 4 hours. As we approach this time in the journey-our hearts are sad, but know that a paradise awaits Darian. There is no easy way to say good-bye...and although many say there are no good-byes-we will have too soon. Rest assured God knows this and will be with us-he will not leave us. Our hearts may break-but he is the great surgeon. So, lay your troubles and worries on him...and he will give you all you need.

So, today I had to tell my boys about something serious...the death of a child, someone they know. Believe it or not, my best advice came from Abby herself. Not only has she taken the time to answer any questions but she put together a packet to help people talk with their kids. It was real casual (we were even driving in the car) and went something like this....

Me: "Hey guys, I got an e-mail today from Darian's mommy. You know the cancer that he has? Well, he is real sick and his body isn't going to get better.

Connor: "You mean he is going to die?"

Me: "Yes, he is...but he gets to go to heaven!" He gets to see Jesus! (then more explanation about all the really cool things about heaven such as no pain or sadness)

Connor: "Yeah, there is no wrong in heaven!"

Me: "You're right!" His family and friends here will be pretty sad though, huh? Do you think we can keep praying for them?

Connor" "Yeah, especially his brother."

Brody was pretty quiet but taking it all in!

Connor: "Do you think there is a Wii in heaven? I'm sure there is an X-Box"!

Then we were all pretty quiet for the rest of our drive to Home Depot.
I kept thinking of a saying I heard and I don't know where but it goes like this...

We don't have a soul...We ARE a soul...We have a body.
Soon Darian's soul will be set free from the body that is so sick.

Please keep them in prayer as they prepare to hand over Darian to their Heavenly Father they love so much. It doesn't make it pain free, but they are able to also have joy in the promise and hope of heaven and for that I am grateful.


Beth said...

I will be praying for them. I can't imagine. I know her stength must come from God, no mother could be that strong on her own. My heart just breaks for them.

Unknown said...

I will pray for them.
That talk is a tough one. We had it last year when a boy in Joseph's class died of leukemia. Joe still thinks of him and his family and prays for them.

Christy said...

that is really hard. Kids are so sensitive and sweet in spirit thought arent they? Child like faith. My heart aches for the parents and I will be praying for them. I know God will use you my sweet friend in their time of pain.