Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas Goal Update

Wow! Christmas is just one week away and I am happy to report, that I am very pleased with the success of my goal list and all that we have been doing to enjoy the holidays this year! So, I wanted to give an update!

Play more Christmas music - Thanks to my cousin Ann and Christy for the online suggestions! Both were enjoyed and utilized during some free time in the office. Plus, we turned on the radio more looking for songs and the day after I posted I realized last year I had bought the Noel CD by Josh Groban so we enjoy the hec out of that every time we get in the car! We also found a book with some carols in it and have been practicing. Connor's favorite song is Away in a Manger and Brody's favorite is Jingle Bells! We learned the second verse to Away in a Manger and sing together O Come All Ye Faithful and Silent Night!! YEAH!

Participate in Advent - Although we never did do the wreath, (On my list for next year!) we have been doing the daily scripture reading and using the themes for the weeks along with a cute calendar that my cousin Ann sent to us! Definite progress here!

Bake more treats - This went well too! I made one of my favorites, those peanut butter cookies with the kiss in the middle, yum yum! I also found a sugar cookie recipe that we really liked and the boys had a blast decorating and eating them too! We are getting ready for our second batch of both cookies and the boys will be decorating edible Christmas trees this weekend too! YUM! YUM!

Pray for our friends and family - Teri actually reminded me in her comment that these can be collected after the holidays and and used in this special way to kick off the year. That is how I heard it first, so let's just say that I will be implementing that in that manner. Honestly we haven't received to many cards yet this year?? Maybe it is the change of address thing?

Make ornaments & crafts - Fun stuff!

Remember those ornaments that you put all those pieces in and then cook? ( I mean little pieces with tweezers!) I remember making those as a kid. It was tedious at times, but they had a blast then wrapped them up for gifts and were so proud! I am so excited that I already ordered kits for next year on sale at Oriental Trading Company with no shipping minimum! They will get packed up with the decorations and if all goes well, pulled out and crafted with love in plenty of time next year!These are fun handprint Christmas trees! I love my little Brody's unique tree, yellow trunk...loves to be different!

Watch a Christmas special with the boys- Luckily this was low on the totem pole because it didn't happen again this year. I might try to buy the special, but right now just couldn't bring myself to shell out the money for it! They have a video they like, very cute called The First Noel and we will call it good with a new one...there is always time for the classics, they aren't going anywhere..maybe next year...maybe not!
So, that's it, all on my list...I just love checking things off! We really have had a great time and have loved starting some new traditions and creating some great memories. We are so blessed. I can't believe there is only one week to go, it sure does come and go fast, doesn't it?

Five Love Languages for my kids Update

YEAH! I finished the book! It was easy to do because it was really good. The concept is simple, but it was packed with information. It was also important to me which always makes the task at hand more attainable.

However there are a few things I learned that I didn't expect. I thought once I figured their primary language, then showed them that daily that all would be right with the world and my boys will grow up feeling secure and loved in their lives and we will move forward into lifelong bliss. Well...maybe...but a few more things to consider that stood out to me....

1) Children still need to see examples of all the love languages so they are able to relate to others as they grow mature. After all, everyone they come in contact with and have friendships and relationships with will not be the same so they need to experience it all!

2) To discipline a child in their primary love language is very counter productive to achieving any goal I might have in mind.

So, my first step in analyzing where they would fall was to simply ask the question and here is how that went.

Me: "Connor, do you know that mommy loves you?"

Connor: "Of course I do"

Me: "How do you know?"

Connor: "Because you tell me all the time."

Me: "Brody, do you know that I love you?"

Brody: Nodded yes

Me: "How do you know I love you?"

Brody: "Because you helped me clean the play room."

So, I thought..."wow this is pretty easy", clearly a words of affirmation for Connor and acts of service for Brod. Slam Dunk!

Then, I decided to take a little question quiz in the back of the book withe each of the boys separately and of course the answers came out different than the above.

Connor's answers ranked like this..

Quality Time - 6

Words of Affirmation - 5

Gifts - 4

Acts of Service - 3

Physical Touch - 2

Brody's were...

Quality Time - 7

Gifts - 5

Words of Affirmation - 4

Acts of Service - 3

Physical Touch - 0

Now, in all fairness, we just celebrated their birthdays and Christmas is only a week away so I feel like the gifts scored way higher than they normally would. Reading the text, it is pretty clear that although they love receiving special things and presents, I don't think they put the value on those that the answered showed! Bryan agrees so we are moving forward with the premise that their first and second love languages are as follows....

Connor - 1) Quality Time 2) Words of Affirmation
Brody - 1) Quality Time 2) Acts of Service

I figure if I log it here on my blog it will help me to be accountable and not forget all that I learned from this book.

I would highly recommend it to any parent reading this! I know it is Christmas Eve now as I am posting this, but it would be a great gift idea!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Two of the Best Deals in town!

Deal #1

I am reading The Purpose of Christmas by Rick Warren and came across this today that really stuck with me. I have heard way more than once that I should be able to give my "testimony" in 1 minute or less! I have been encouraged to write it out and to be honest have never even tried! For someone who talks like me and would have so much to share on the topic, 1 minute seems impossible! But today, I found this in his book and thought it was a brilliant way to do just that...

He was explaining that when you accept Jesus as your Savior...

"You get your past forgiven, you get a purpose for living, and you get a home in heaven."

He proceeded to say that..."No one else can make that kind of offer. Only God can." Since I am always looking for a good deal, how could I pass this up?

Wow!! One sentence that sums it all up for me...that is what I got, what I have, and what I have to look forward to! Bryan always says that I tend to complicate things and I never could of made "it" this simple, but in reality it is.

What a great thing for me to reflect on as I prepare for Christmas this season.


OK, on a lighter topic....Deal #2

A Football hemet made from recycled materials!

Yes, you saw here it first folks!

This son of mine can do all sorts of amazing things with cardboard and loves to create. He made a train with a track recently and a football field complete with goal posts. I told him today that maybe someone will get him a Costco size package of tape for Christmas and he got a huge smile on his face! As the packages start rolling in for Christmas, I'm not sure if he is more excited by the actual package or the contents!

Oh case you can't see it clearly that is a panther on the side which makes this a Carolina Panthers helmet!

I sure hope he doesn't get tackled in it, but it is darn cute!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Cold and Warm!

Well, a lot of great stuff has been going on around here at the Doeren household!

We got our first Oregon snow and that is, well...interesting. They are reporting that we are supposed to have the worst winter in 10 years, I guess we got here just in time. The roads are full of ice so Bryan was off today and is off tomorrow too. He is hoping to get back to work by Wednesday to get a couple days in before the shop closes for 2 weeks at Christmas. The boys really wanted to make a snowman and we went out today all suited up with the thermometer holding steady at 19 degrees, but the snow just wasn't packing at all. Now it has been a while since I have made a snowman, and it could be the California girl that developed over the last 19 years in southern California, but I was dreadfully unsuccessful. Surprisingly enough, the boys weren't to disappointed, they must be used to me falling short. Praise God for that. I wanted to give at least one fun memory of their first snow here, but of course I didn't have a sled, nor do I know anywhere to take them yet so we improvised. A cardboard box on the driveway proved to be a good time for them and they had a blast just scooting down over and over again! I am so blessed that they can be grateful in most situations. They did ask if we could get a real sled one day just to try it....I'm sure we can manage that!

Speaking of grateful, we went to Target on Saturday with one reason to get the boys some new jammies. They wanted some new toasty warm ones with feet! Well, right away Connor found what he wanted with a sports pair. Brody had a little more difficult time since they usually don't make ones with sheep! He did find a pair of glow in the dark dinosaur ones that he really wanted, but they didn't have his size, not even at the other store in town. So, I convinced him to try the infant/toddler section for a 5T and off we went. Well, we ended up finding the cutest darn pair of sock monkey pajamas and he was beyond excited. The only thing was they were a 4T so we went to the dressing room. He has no room to grow, but they are supposed to be tight for the whole flame resistant thing right???? I couldn't say no with the cute little dance he was doing and when the whole end of the store heard him saying..."I LOVE these jammies mommy!" They couldn't wait to get home so I could wash them and get them all ready for bed! Just look at those smiles! Brody doesn't know it but he is getting a sock monkey toy that he has wanted for a long time for Christmas from Grandma Louise! He will be SO excited!

By the way, do you see those feet on Brody? Connor wanted his big, because he wanted room to grow since he is very optimistic in that area!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I see something SHINY!

My husband has a long standing joke with me and says that I "often see something shiny." This is his way of saying how easily I can get distracted and jump from one thing to the next. It makes me feel a little like Dory from Nemo, but I know he is a little bit right too. This morning I was so aware of it as I went to do a simple thing such as getting a box from my bedroom closet to prepare a package to take to the post office. I decided that this big post office trip really needed to happen today, so it kind of threw off our morning getting packages wrapped and cards signed and we were already off our routine. As I headed to the bedroom, here is what happened.....

1) I walked by the boys room noticing that their beds needed to be straightened. They do make their beds, but have added an extra blanket to their bed and it is harder for them, so I wanted them to look nice. Why? I have no is a feeling of accomplishment, something concrete that screams that I take care of the house! So, I started fixing them when I heard....

2) JAKE!!! Our dog's name being screamed at the top of both their lungs followed by tears could only mean one thing since they were finishing breakfast! Yup, Jake had proceeded to grab Brody's sausage patty right off the plate. So, then I had to kennel the dog, console my youngest child, and cook a new piece of sausage for him.

3) Then since I had already done the other dishes, I went to clean the pan a little to early and even burned my hand.

4) I took out the recycle trash which included the box from the new sausage.

5) Then I headed back down the hall and back to their room at last...While finishing the beds, I noticed that a few books and toys did not make it back on the shelves. Well, since they were giong to help wrap, I could help with that, right?

6) Then I was summoned back to the kitchen to peel a banana for Brody (and backwards I might add, from the end that no one peels from!)

7) While in the kitchen, I noticed the dryer stopped so I checked the laundry that I had going and after folding clothes from the dryer and moving the washed load into the dryer, I realized something...

I was going to blog about this and had to stop the insanity.
So, I got the box!
Can anyone say....Laura Numeroff??? Maybe her next big hit will be,
If You Give a Mom a Minute.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Bon Appetit!

I don't want to give to much history here, so let's just say for the record that I have not made the best decisions when it has come to meal times and getting Connor and Brody to try new things. I could go on and on with the valid reasons why I have made the decisions I have, but what really matters is that we decided to make some changes around here.

I have to say that tonight was a huge milestone for us in the Doeren household. I made dinner, put a little of everything I made on all 4 plates and proceeded through an entire meal without setting a timer, hearing a complaint, or threatening any number of things to change the situation to my favor. In reality, my little ears actually heard from my dear sweet youngest child these words I will never forget..."mommy I want more meatloaf." Let's just say that I have used this move to Oregon as a time of change and have with only a few exceptions been serving the kids what we eat. I have forced them to eat what I felt was a good representation of something new and not once have they asked for more. Once Connor did gag a little back into his plate and Brody told me that one of my meals was "humongous disgusting" but we have moved forward anyway! I have to say they have been handling it pretty good overall though. Tonight, poor Connor had a look on his face like it was one of the yuckiest things he has ever put in his mouth, but he ate all that I put on his plate, (drowned in A-1) without complaining! He even managed to say that he likes it as long it is soaked in the overpowering taste of A-1...I can handle that.

I have explained to the kids that the reason that I am really standing on "my high mother ground" on this point is not because they won't grow or be healthy, it is not an obedience issue, nor a power trip on my part. The real reason is the attitude of ungratefulness that I noticed when a plate full of food was put before them. Now, I know I am not even in the ranks of a "good cook" but some examples are real basic things like macaroni and cheese, chicken, turkey breast, and rice. I am still OK with them having things they don't like, we all do, but to not eat some of these real basic things became unacceptable for that reason. I actually used this line before, probably not the highlight of my mothering career...
"If you want to taste something really gross, I can serve up some dog poop, baked chicken is not gross!"

I was thinking of an apple tree I saw on a recent drive through the country. It was one huge apple tree in the yard of a small house, it wasn't part of an orchard, it was just there remarkably close to the road. I noticed that around the tree on the ground rotting away laid more apples than I could even count...just left there. At that moment, I realized how easy it is to take for granted what we have in abundance. I wish I could of taken a picture but on my return trip I was unable to locate it, so it will remain in my mind only.

I don't want them to take our full refrigerator, freezer, and pantry for granted anymore. I realized how blessed I am to be able to offer them all this food and so many choices. I know there are mothers around the world unable to meet this most basic physical need for their kids and I knew we had to do better.

I'm sure you are wondering what else was on the magic plate....Turkey Meatloaf, Baked Potato, Applesauce and Corn!
Enjoy your next meal!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas Goals

I woke up this morning already disappointed in the way our Christmas season is going so far. Every year I have great plans and ideas but they never seem to leave the actual planning stage! I decided to write them down this year in the hopes that it will help me to be more accountable to myself and more focused.....

Play more Christmas music - Why don't I do this? I don't have any CD's but one that I don't really like, and I am not one to turn on the radio so I just forget. My poor boys don't know some of the best traditional music, but hopefully this year......

Participate in Advent - Now I know I am already late on this one, (learned that from Teri's blog) it really snuck up on me! My cousin Ann has sent me some information and I am going to do what I can. I did read yesterday some about it but don't have the wreath....that will not discourage me...late and unprepared but we will move forward!

Bake more treats - My friend Christy sent me this great e-mail with all these great recipes and I am determined to try some of them!

Pray for our friends and family - I have heard this great idea to collect all the Christmas cards and spend time as a family when you pray focusing on each one of them. I like this idea because they are cards from people I am real close to and pray for more often, but some of them are people I am only in touch with once or twice a year and what better gift can we offer them but to lift them up in prayer? This one really needs to happen this year!

Make ornaments & crafts - I have wanted Connor and Brody to make ornaments to give away for two years now, it hasn't happened either. Since I am not in my usual homeschool group, I need to come up with a craft or two this year on my own!

Watch a Christmas special with the boys- Last night we saw that Rudolph was playing and we didn't know it until it was to late. We want them to enjoy some of those cute shows we enjoyed as kids, but I always seem to miss them. If anyone catches them coming on, let me know OK???

Well, there was more, but in the hopes of actually making this a success, I need to stop here! I hope that no matter what we can all keep the focus of Christmas real and on Jesus. Some of this stuff is just for fun, I know that and hopefully as I work through my list, I will prioritize those things first that focus on the birth of our Savior!
Now I'm off to see what I can do! Happy planning to all of you!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I've been tagged!

Ok, my first game of blog tag and I feel so honored! The "rules" say that I have to list 6 things that make me happy and pass on to tag 6 other people! I can easily follow the first one, but I don't know how to tag others yet, so I will settle for the first half. If you are reading this, and have not done this round, please feel free to participate and I will enjoy the credit of tagging you, though not officially!

1) My husband and kids ( I would look really bad if I didn't list it, though I agree with Teri that it should be obvious, but there it is anyway!) Actually I really enjoy watching them together, it is a special bond they have and makes me smile.

2) Clean Sheet Day - My husband laughs at me, but I really enjoy this small but special thing. I would wash them every day if it wasn't such a pain to make the bed, and I wasn't worried about the enviornment, and I didn't have to pay for water!

3) Capturing the perfect picture on camera! I LOVE this!

4) Getting a great deal and saving money! - I feel like this is part of my job as a stay at home and feel good when I have spent wisely. Just today I found for $1 at a thrift store a book that I wanted for the boys that new is $19.99, but I had on a wish list for $14.99, $1 even better!

5) Feeling safe - I love being inside a warm car or house when the weather is cold and yucky outside. It is such a great feeling of security and safety for me! I get a lot of that here in Oregon!

6) Finishing a good book - I struggled between putting starting and finishing a good book, because sometimes it is kind of bitter sweet to get to the end, but still a happy time!

Thanks Teri, it was fun!

Have a blessed day everyone!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

I didn't know she liked Gumbo

I found this "journal entry" I wrote tucked away in a stack of papers. I know it will get lost but since I wrote it for the purpose of the boys to see one day, I want to put it in my blog archive so I will know where it is! Isn't digital storage amazing??

I just returned from a trip to St. Louis where I was happy to attend my brother's wedding. The night I flew in my Aunt Lucy passed away at the age of 94. Actually she is my great aunt, but since Mimi (my grandmother) lived with her since I can remember she was kind of like a grandmother to me also. I am saddened by how much I learned about her at her memorial service. I know I loved her dearly but I didn't know her very well and I am disappointed in myself for that. The only I time I spent with her and my Uncle Tommy was really at holidays. I do have fond and wonderful memories of her mannerisms; her smile, her laugh, and most of all her beautiful southern accent. Not one of silliness, but one that spoke distinguished and eloquent. I will never forget her famous sayings and the way she spoke them "Hot Damn", "Oh Boy", "That's marvelous", and "How Grand". I remember meals at Thanksgiving and at Christmas that as a young child and teenager I could not appreciate. I didn't know that she was a wonderful cook and that she enjoyed teaching others. I didn't know that on other days throughout the year she was loved for her incredible hospitality and that she used those amazing gifts to serve others so much. She was involved at church in this area too, and impacted many young women. It was said that she carried herself as though in her presence you felt she was 10 feet tall. That I do remember! She loved gardening which I wish I would of taken some time to learn from her. She loved learning our family history which I did know but once again just didn't appreciate. I have learned to make decisions earlier in life to what you might think important later. Luckily she did pass on that love to my cousin Ann and I know I have access to that information! She passed on and taught her love of cooking to her son Tom. At her "All Things Lucy" celebration dinner after the funeral - he served gumbo from her recipe and there was small coke bottles and little cake pinafores. It was a fun night. Now my Great Uncle Tommy is left with the tough job, being here without her. How do you do that after 67 years with someone? Well, I guess he will find a way although I don't expect him to for long. He is a tough old bird though and at the age of 92 only time will really tell. Now I know after sharing dinner with him that night that he loves gumbo too.

I was thinking about all of them a lot yesterday as we celebrated our day late Thanksgiving! I did pull off a pretty good turkey if I do say so myself, but missed all the activity of a lot of people. I was thinking as I raise my boys how sometimes things really do matter, even though we think they might not. I am not sure if I can even articulate what I am trying to say, but even though I thought some of those visits painful as a selfish child, as an adult I would give anything to have them back. The lesson learned came later in life than I'm sure some, including me, would of liked, but it did come. As I make decisions on things for Connor and Brody I have to always keep the long term in mind. My job is not to make them totally happy about everything, but to do things and hope that long term valuable life lessons will be learned. I have written in my bible this same philosophy with our heavenly father though I don't remember where I heard it...

"Gods desire is to advance His kingdom, not make me extremely happy."
My purpose as their mom is to raise them every day with the long term as my goal; what kind of person they will be, what they will value, and how they will treat others along the way. My prayer is that would live their life before an audience of One and always have a bigger picture in their mind and in their hearts as well! I hope along the way that I can offer them some of this "big picture perspective" that I have learned on my own journey!

As expected my Uncle Tommy did pass away a short time later. I am so glad I have this picture from that night of celebrating her life and so many good memories of him too!

I'm sure my Aunt Lucy and Mimi are chuckling together as they watched me from above sitting with my boys showing them proudly our family tree as we studied the Mayflower and the history of the first Thanksgiving. I know they didn't "care" as much as I did, but I hope they can learn from my mistakes as all parents do, even when it takes longer than I would hope and pray for!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Save a Turkey - Eat PIZZA!

Well, today is not a traditional Thanksgiving here in the Doeren household. There are a couple of reasons for that including our move out of state to Oregon, but the main one is that today is also Connor's 7th birthday! We decided to celebrate today and do some things his way just like we did for Brody's birthday! So, he started the day with his favorite breakfast, buttermilk pancakes and sausage! Then he got to open his presents which of course he was very excited about. We took the cake and ice cream over to his cousins house to celebrate with us before they indulge in their turkey dinner tonight! Then, we were blessed to find a Pizza Hut willing to make a pizza for him, his special request, because they were there anyway prepping for the next day! All, in all it has been a great day but it doesn't stop there! Tonight in just about 2 hours we are off to pick up Aunt Lara who is flying into Portland airport to spend 5 whole days with us and we are SO excited about that. Since she traveled all day today, I will spend tomorrow cooking a traditional Thanksgiving meal, (OK, so I'm not really saving a turkey, in fact I bought two!) turkey and all. It will be the first time doing it totally on my own, so I am a little nervous but it should be fun too. It will be nice to have family here to celebrate with!

It is hard to believe that 7 years ago today I became a mom for the first time. I remember when he was about 3 days old, I had a moment where I thought, "wow, what have I gotten into"! (it was also about 3:00 in the morning!) It is the moment when it hit me that I had truly just begun a lifelong commitment and one that has changed my life more than anything. I can't even imagine who I would be right now if it were not for the blessing, privilege, and honor of motherhood that God has blessed me with in this lifetime. I am so grateful for that.

I took Brody shopping for Connor's present 2 weeks ago and to my surprise he actually kept it a surprise! He wanted to get him this red football so bad, (of course it is the last thing I would of picked, another football!) since red is his favorite color. He was so excited to give it to him and wanted him to save it for the last thing he opened, I'm sure knowing that Connor does live the philosophy of saving for the best for last! Connor said it was one of his favorite gifts and Brody was so happy to bless his brother with this present!

So the boys went out to give it a whirl and are now in front of the fireplace, with full bellies watching the Dallas Cowboys. Does it get any better?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Look Mom - No Cavities!

Well today we made it to the dentist! We braved the "new to us" winter weather and had to go out in the rain and endure temperatures in the low 30's but we made it! I have become so much more grateful for our warm house and car and hey those heated seats in the van are a huge bonus! Anyway, both the boys had great check ups which I am so thrilled with. I have had so much trouble with my teeth, that I just hope and pray for them to have a better mouth! The three of us prayed for no cavities right there in the chairs and I'm sure they thought we were nuts, but that is OK! It worked! The dentist said their teeth look great overall. Connor is missing a permanent tooth, but it should work out OK; and Brody's mouth could get cramped for space, but ultimately there is no way of knowing that in the short term. So, I will just enjoy the good news of the day which is no cavities and no visit needed for a whole year!

Of all the times we have gone to the dentist, not once have I remembered my camera and I have always regretted that once we get there. I guess because when you have gone through what I have it that chair, there seems to be nothing cute about it! But, wouldn't you know it, the office also turned out to be a sort of time capsule too, and they took these cute Polaroids for me!! Yes, I typed that right a real working Polaroid! I thought I held out going digital!
They were excellent patients and said their favorite part was the flouride treatment. That must of come a long way since I was little but I am grateful for that too!

It is hard to believe that in just 2 days Connor will be 7 years old, doesn't seem possible!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Our Grateful Board

This year I copied an idea I got from a website that suggested covering a door with paper and drawing pictures as a family of things you are grateful for. It sounded like a fun project so here we are just one week from Thanksgiving and I thought I would share some things that my precious little angels have been thankful for in no particular order....

The Bible (OK, I put this one first, I'm trying to look good here!)
Sheep Bank
The World
My Bed
My Big Pencil
Cake and Ice Cream
Hot Dogs
My Clock
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
My Piano
War (the cardgame)
Pancakes and Syrup
Hot Dogs
Chocolate Chips
Jake the Dog

Now, this makes up a pretty good list and I am proud of them for coming up with some really great things. I think keeping it up and on going has really encouraged us all to come up with more and more things. However, I can't help but notice and hopefully you did too, (without even straining), that as of today... I have been left off the list.

What makes it even worse is that I have been sending them to the board more than once a day and pretending not to anticipate, as they tell me to close my eyes as they eagerly add their latest idea to "the board". Then I am pretending to be so excited and pleased with what they did write even though once again it is not "My Mommy". Plus, I even started with some amazing stick figure drawings of how I am thankful for Daddy, Connor and Brody...still nothing.

Now, I know a thousand things have been written and I'm sure there are some great quotes out there on how unappreciated we moms are, so Lord knows I can't come up with anything better! I do know they love me but for some darn reason I was really hoping to make the poster! However, we still have a few days, I could still get crammed somewhere between those hot dogs and the big pencil!

But if it doesn't happen, that is OK too...I knew that when I accepted the position.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Are We Speaking the Same Language?

I could not even begin to list how many unfinished books I have on my shelves that fall in the "self help" category, that would include books on parenting as well. There is also a lot on my want to read list that I haven't even found yet. I started one yesterday that I have been real excited about and I think this one has the potential to make it into my finished within a month stack. It is called, The Five Love Languages of Children. When my husband and I were in pre marital counseling, our pastor; Pastor Don, recommended the book titled "The Five Love Languages" and we really enjoyed it. It made so much sense and seemed so easy...we could probably use a refresher course...BUT

My goal now is to figure out the primary love language of both my boys and it is harder than I thought it would be.

Anyone speak sheep?

Luckily I just read today that at age 5 is when you can really start to tell and Brody just turned 5 a few weeks ago so I am really right on target to try and get this right! So far, I have read the chapters on Physical Touch, Words of Affirmation, and Quality Time. I am wanting to just jump to end and figure out what language Connor and Brody primarily speak, but I am controlling that urge so I can learn as much as possible as I work through the whole book. After reading Quality Time I was a little convicted on using school time for a major part of our quality time. I think it can be real easy for me as a homeschool mom to blur that line and convince myself that I did "spend time" with my kids and a lot of it, but I know it goes beyond that.

So, I decided to pull out the whole, "Let's bake cookies, have fun, and make a huge mess in the kitchen!" As usual it was a big hit!

Then, we opened a birthday present that came in the mail for Brody from our friends the Loomis's is California! We then proceeded to spend about 1 1/2 hours putting together a Neo Shifter Lego guy that had what seemed like 500 pieces!! (My friend doesn't know this, but she just started a competition on who can give the present with the most pieces that requires the most time to assemble! HA! HA!)

So after all our Quality Time I gave them a big Physical Touch hug and high five and told them with some Words of Affirmation what a great job they did, how great I think they are and how much I love being their mom!
When I put to them to bed, Connor said..."mom thanks for helping us build that guy and for letting us make cookies." Maybe today I was speaking his language?

Now I am off to read through Gifts, and hopefully tomorrow on Acts of Service! Life IS Good!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Wii ....Wii

Well, here it is another on my long list of "I will never" with my kids. However, in all fairness here I had to realize that God sent me on this parenting mission with a partner and he has a say in the decisions too! Anyone that really knows me knows that I am not in real strong favor of video games, but my husband really wanted them to start with this one. The active sports ones are what we will be starting with and he has promised me no violence. He also feels it will be a big benefit to have an indoor activity with the rain waiting to pour down on us for months here in Salem.

So, not only did I agree, (without pouting, after all I have had "my way" for a while) but I even shopped for the best price and picked it up while out running errands so it awaits in the closet to be wrapped for Christmas. We have never purchased anything so extravagant for our kids, and it will be the only present under the tree from us this year. For the past few years we have done 3 gifts, representing the 3 gifts Jesus received from the wise men, but we will modify this year and maybe "wrap" some small things in their stockings. I hope they have a blast with it!

Monday, November 17, 2008


I have to say that recently I had an entire week that reflected everything I did not want to be in a mom. I was stressed out and feeling very unproductive! The boys were fighting me on school time and I felt I just I could not keep up the house and all I had to do and wanted to do. So, in my mind I came up with a great solution to get Connor mostly on track with school and decided to start there since that is one of the most important things I do here. I mean if the bathroom doesn't get clean, it is gross, but not detrimental in the long term; unless....we were to catch some sickness from germs. OK, I won't even go there! I designed a checklist for Connor's daily activities some with school and some with just being a 7 year (almost) boy. I know that my first born is a lot like me and just knew that he would LOVE checking off boxes and seeing what is expected of him for the whole day! I also put together a rough draft of a schedule for our day so I could avoid the million dollar, "When can we play?" question! Well, I must say that day 1 has gone well and just as I predicted Connor thanked me over and over for his clipboard and liked feeling more in control of when he did what he needed to do! The sun came out after a thick morning fog and after lunch, even thought it was not one the new schedule, we chucked it and walked the dog to the park for some exercise, sunshine, and fun. (still working on that spontaneous thing)

Reflecting on the day, I also have to say that I realized the problem has been more mine because I was the one having a harder time with the new plan! I bought this really cool timer to help us stay on track or at least in the general area and to stop letting time fly by us. Let me tell you, doing 6 loads of laundry, cleaning 2 bathrooms, and vaccuming 3 rooms before the beep was harder on me than it was on them! My husband always says that I get distracted easily or as he puts it, "see something shiny" so it is no wonder things were going that way around here! The fault is mine and my boys win the prize of learning this lesson right along side me...poor kids, I hope they survive the rest of the week.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Still Relevant

You know the beginning is the most important part of any work, especially in the case of a young and tender thing; for that is the time at which the character is being formed and the desired impressions are more readily taken...Shall we just carelessly allow children to hear any casual tales which may be devised by casual persons, and to receive into their minds ideas for the most part the very opposite of those which we should wish them to have when they are grown up?

We cannot...Anything received into the mind at that age is likely to become indelible and unalterable; and therefore it is most important that the tales which the young first hear should models of virtuous thoughts...

Then will our youth dwell in a land of health, amid fair sights and sounds, and receive the good in everything; and beauty, the effluence of fair works, shall flow into the eye and ear, like a health-giving breeze from a purer region, and insensibly draw the soul from the earliest years into likeness and sympathy with the beauty of reason.

There can be no nobler training that that.

This was written by Plato around 380 BC, hard to believe so long ago. I was going to comment on this, but I just can't. What could I say that it doesn't? I just love this!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

So Sweet

When I used to say the word "sweet" around here, it literally sweet! For example, see how Connor looked in this picture at just 1 month old. He was such an adorable baby.... and this picture always received a " sweet" comment.

Now, here we are almost 7 years later and all I hear from this little angel now is "Sweeet". It is so funny to hear him use a phrase that makes him seem so grown up to me. He said it so much today that I found my self a little annoyed at this display of maturity in my first born. I guess the bright side is that the word is used these days to describe something good and something that makes you happy, so in reality I am thrilled that he has found so much in his day to deserve this label. I took this picture today and captured a new look that he has been sporting for a few days now with the beanie...look familiar???

Still so sweet to me, but where has the time gone?

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Raking in the Leaves

I have always said that I am a pretty quick study and in just a few short days, I have learned a lot about living here in Oregon. You can't wait for a "nice" day to do yard work, and you are lucky to get a break in the rain for things such as picking up leaves. With the trees shedding their leaves at rapid speed the neighborhood has quickly become covered; in the streets, on the sidewalks, and of course on all the lawns! I can actually tell when there has been a lull in the rain just by listening for the motors reving up of the leaf blowing machines! There are others, however, who don't even wait for that lull, they just go out and get it done. I saw a lady working in her lawn, she must of been in her 60's and it was just pouring down rain, no rain jacket, no hat, just getting wet and working. Now, I have my limits and that is one of them. But Friday, I decided before getting out of bed that no matter what the weather, the boys and I would put a dent in the raking that needs to be done!

So, I did the smart thing and put on a hat and some warm clothes and we headed out after our Language Arts lessons. The boys are at that stage where it was "SO FUN" for them and luckily the rain did cease for a while and we worked our tail off in the front yard. We quickly had 4 huge piles ready to go but only 1 and 1/2 fit in the can! Luckily I had two neighbors the same morning tell me about leaf bags and the strategy of filling them up and dumping one or two in the disposal can each week to get picked up. The neighbors across the street accumulate an average of 60 bags of leaves! Anyway, I was not going to let the wind pick up and ruin all our hard work, so we were off to Wal Mart to get those bags, only 2 boxes on the shelf....whew...that was close! So, when we got back, we filled the can and 4 more bags...a pretty good start if you ask me! I could not of done it without my hard working helpers!

Connor likes to work the rake! He does a real good job!

Brody worked out a system to fill a bucket then stand on the other to reach the can to dump them in.

Today is Saturday and looking out my window, it is hard to tell that we raked anything at all. Luckily I have the pictures and the full bags to prove it!

I guess we will be back at it again can be sure I will wait for the beautiful sound of those engines running and the chance to stay dry!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Living History

Dear Connor and Brody,

Wow, it is pretty amazing to see American History come alive like it did last night, the first African American president of the US has been elected. As I held my eyes open and watched the news coverage last night of Barack Obama's victory to the white house I was amazed. I am not going to pretend to be a strong political person and truly have little to no understanding of the government and how it even works. I know that as I raise you, and teach you, I am yearning to learn more and am excited to go on that journey together. You should know that I have abused my right to vote in many years past and hope to show you the importance, the blessing that it truly is so that you don't make the same mistake.

So much of this election and the coverage has been on the color of his skin which is why it made history, however I can't help but wonder if that still isn't racist in itself? I am proud of this country and how far we have come since the civil rights movement, yet at the same time I don't think to many overlooked the color of his skin, I feel that is where so many stopped. I am excited that as we move forward in American History that you will see the begining of the fight for equality, to what so many see as the end and "justice served". People feel he represents hope and change and I saw so many emotions on peoples faces as the cameras scanned. I saw hope and praise that borders worship for what one person can do. I will be praying that Barack Obama and his administration will do nothing but good things for this country.

At the same time, you must know that I don't bank to much of my life, my personal day to day happiness on the government here in our country. The God that we serve is so much bigger than that and while respect for our president is deserved, true worship should remain with Jesus and who He is, what He overcame, and what He offers to everyone. He can change our today, our tomorrow and hold our eternal future in His hands. He can even change the past, and has in my mind and life which you will learn about when you are much older.

As time and history proceed forward, I hope that this change will be a positive one for you and your future. I am stunned that when I think, if he serves 2 terms, that Connor would be almost 15 and Brody would be 13 when a new president is elected. I wonder what it will be like for you to grow up in this time and wonder what history you will live in your lifetime here on earth. I pray that the ruler of this country guide it well, but more important to me is that the Ruler and Creator of the universe be real in your lives and guide you personally.

I love you,

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Hiding in Plain Sight

On Friday night, Halloween, we decided to travel to a church that we have attended a few times called Court Street Christian Church. They were having a carnival and it seemed a way to keep up with what we were used to and the boys were very excited. So, we were gathering our things and getting ready for some fun and then Connor realized that he couldn't find his Spiderman mask. He really has no idea about Spiderman, never seeing him in a movie or cartoon, but he caught on that he needed the mask to truly pull this costume off. I kid you not, 3 adults (my mom was in town) and both kids searched the house frantically looking in places knowing that there is no chance at all for it to be there. As the minutes ticked off the clock, the tears started to fall at the thought of going with out it. We were all completely astounded how something you just had 3 minutes earlier could vanish. Connor said he didn't leave the living room and yet we looked all over the house even upstairs. The room we didn't look was the room I was actually sitting in when he asked me to help him find it. As we were walking out the door, there it was, literally out in the open on a rug hiding in plain sight. I did not think that phrase possible until now. The last time we lost something (Brody's must beloved Sheepie) daddy found him tucked away in a clothes drawer!

So, we wiped off the tears, threw on the mask and loaded up. It turned out to be a pretty fun night and my little Blue Spiderman and Monkey had a great time!
Daddy also pulled off some pretty amazing pumpkins!!
More Good Gifts! Way to go Daddy!
He managed to put into a pumpkin their two favorite things...
a lamb for Brody and a football for Connor!
Now, if I could just stay out of the candy!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Good Gifts

Matthew 7:11 So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him.

This verse kept popping in my mind over the last few weeks. Saturday was Brody's 5th birthday and this year I really struggled over the gift. Last year, we didn't even buy gifts, we just decided that the party and the cake were a lot to do and explained that to both boys. Well, this year since we are in a new place we were putting new plans in place. I wanted to take the boys each a on a train ride for their birthdays but that fell through. Then I had this totally brilliant idea to get Brody a little cage pet such as a guinea pig or hamster since he can't have a real sheep. Bryan and I went to Petsmart and he was not the least bit interested in that idea. I even tried to bring it up at home later on in the week and he still would only say he wanted a sheep. He did say once..."We can get a monkey, but then we would need 5000 bananas." So, there went that idea. I thought and thought and spent hours on the internet, then we decided to just take him to a toy store and see what else interests him. I do have to show what was on his birthday list....nothing but sheep. For some reason we were really hoping to get him something different, after all he does have a lot of sheep. Now, don't get me wrong, he LOVES all his sheep and takes great care of them, but we couldn't help but think he might be missing something else that he would really love.

Well, as a backup, I called the toy store ahead of time and asked if they had a black sheep, which he really wanted, and they did. He did walk around the store and found things that interested him, but when he spotted a puppet lamb and a black sheep puppet, that was it. The passion and excitement when he found these were undeniable. So, I sent them down the aisle, and was real sneaky to purchase them both and hid them in a shopping bag under my purse. Then we saw a whole lot of sheep and lambs and Bath & Body works and I managed to sneak one of those too! After talking to my dad that night, I realized he changed his mind about getting him a new sheepie shirt which was a big one so I set out to find that too. I spent a more time online searching for the right design only to realize I could not get his size! I was successful in tracking down a local shop that had one transfer of a sheep and all different sizes of shirts. So, the next day we were off to the store for the mystery errand, and I was just praying for that one transfer to be cute. Well, it was and they made it up right there for me and I got it out to the car without them knowing a thing! This is what I ended up with for the gift from mommy and daddy...

Somehow I just didn't feel like it was enough and I don't know why. Then we were driving home from picking up the cake and Brody said to me, "mommy my cake is an awesome present too". I just love how grateful he was for everything he got. I could of given him one of the three and he would of been thrilled with it. He was running around later in the morning after opening his presents and out of the blue he calls me and says, "thanks for the sheepie shirt". This experience has just been such a reminder of how much God loves me and wants to give me good things because I know how desperately I wanted to give my little boy something special. I wanted him to know how much he is loved and how wonderful he is. My gift has no lasting value but what God offers us is so much more. Now I want to show more gratitude and be as thankful as my little boy turned out to be at just 5 years old.

Thank you for the reminder Brody and Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Who Could Resist?

Today I had planned a day at home because this week somehow has made it's way to the errand running hall of fame and we decided we needed a day home. However, as the day progressed, the sun got brighter and brighter and there was not a cloud to be seen... so the boys and I decided to walk to our favorite park and enjoy the beautiful fall crisp day! As we walked, we got warmer and warmer and had a great time on our big adventure! Hillview is our favorite park for many reasons including....
  • It has a REAL merry go round
  • The trees are absolutely amazing
  • Walking trail for mom
  • The playground has toys for big kids
  • This is where Brody learned to ride 2 wheel
  • This is where Connor mastered the monkey bars

Those last two items are really big ones and just another sign how fast my boys are growing up.

Brody was scared at first and he thought it would be easier than it turned out to be, but after just two days was out on his own! He was so proud of himself and we were so proud of him. I'm proud because it was harder than he expected and he worked through that and showed true perserverance.

You know, I can't think of anything that Connor has really struggled doing with his little hand. Of course we forget all about it, but those darn monkey bars were a big challenge for him. He never gave up and one day he just took that chance and went for it which showed real courage. I didn't have my camera that day so this is a different park, but now he can enjoy them anywhere!

Each time we visit, the fall colors get more amazing and the boys have enjoyed gathering leaves into piles and having so much fun. Today they made a large leaf creative and interesting and OK, I admit it a little strange!

Who could resist soaking up this image of God's artwork when it is so beautifully displayed? Certainly not myself, or Connor, or Brody, or even our dog Jake!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Jack and the Beanstalk

Our absolute favorite book right now is called The Book of Virtues, A Treasury of Great Moral Stories by William J. Bennett. It is not the illustrated version, but the big 818 page black and white type wonderful version. The boys and I read from it everyday and they beg for the stories wrapped up in the chapters on topics such as compassion, courage, and honesty. I have to quote an excerpt from the introduction...

Today, we speak about values and how it is important to "have them," as if they were beads on a string or marbles in a pouch. But these stories speak to morality and virtues not as something to be possessed, but as the central part of human nature, not as something to have but as something to be, the most important thing to be.

So, what does this have to do with Jack and the Beanstalk? Well, let me tell you how I remember the story. Now, I know there are a lot of versions of it out there, but this is what I remember in a nutshell.

  1. Jack disobeys his mother
  2. Mother gets mad, throws beans out the window
  3. Jack goes up the stalk that grows into the sky from the beans
  4. Jack meets the giant and steals all his treasures
  5. Giant follows him down and is killed when the stalk is cut by Jack
  6. Jack and his mom are now rich
So, imagine my surprise when in my beloved new book (thrift store find, by the way) I find Jack and the Beanstalk in the section on courage and right after David and Goliath. What??? Did I miss something? (Sometimes the book does use stories to show what not to do, but I wasn't seeing that here either) Actually, it is all in the story. This version adapted from Andrew Lang gave me a whole new viewpoint and a story I am glad to share with my boys. It starts in the notes that says, "He begins his adventure as a thoughtless boy, but redeems himself through a bravery that rises from a sense of duty to his mother. Courage that leads upward..." Now, that sounds better. What else?

Well, in this story after showing his mother the beans Jack feels terrible and says, "At least, I may as well sow the beans." Yes, Jack you should do that work and reap some benefit out of your mistake!
When he reaches the sky and finds the beautiful community he is confronted by a lady that tells him a legend of a young boy who will come from the valley and challenge the giant and win the treasure for his poor mother. She asks him, "have you the courage to undertake it?" Jack replies, "I fear nothing when I am doing right." Are you seeing the difference???

After Jack's adventure and he is safe down the stalk this story says...Jack's mother was glad to have such treasures, but she was even more grateful to have her son back safe and sound and proud of him for his courage. She tells him, "Now I know you are destined to climb the ladder of fortune, just as you climbed the beanstalk."

This is my favorite part, the ending.

So together they buried the wicked giant and then went inside to count their blessings.

Now that's better. Happy Reading.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Me... Spontaneous?

Yes, it is true. I have branched out and decided yesterday that the boys and I would "fly in our pants" (as Connor would say). We decided to ditch school, (we actually did Math because it is the hardest to make up) and go to the Pumpkin Patch! Yes, the sun was shining and it was a beautiful crisp and cool fall day. I am nervous about the weather so I decided that we should take advantage of every sunny day that we can. The people here in Oregon carry on everything in the rain and nothing is ever cancelled, but the way I figure it we are new here, and we still melt so what the hec!
We went to Bauman Farms in Gervais Oregon and it was a whole lot of fun! We practically had the place to ourselves, one major advantage of home schooling, and the boys had a blast! I have to say it was not like the pumpkin patch experiences we had in California. There was a lot more to do like a corn maze (more on that later) and a barn swing and an obstacle course! They had an animal barn which was fun and they had one sheep which sealed the deal for our little Brody about it being the best ever!
So, I was most excited about the corn maze, not remembering ever being in one myself and as we were running to the entrance heard comments like..."this is so cool", "this is the best ever", "look there it is, THE corn maze". The boys quickly appointed Connor to take the lead, which was probably a good call since mommy can't get anywhere without Lola our GPS, and off we went! We did stop for a photography lesson as I wanted a picture with me in it to capture our fun day and I figured what a great place to start! Of course I checked my watch and was having fun for about 4 minutes. I can't believe that there are NO signs for us parents that don't like to feel lost and confused! After about 10 minutes, we decided to give Brody a chance to get us out, all the while, mommy is pretending to have it all together and only feeling a little out of control! As you can figure out by my presence on my blog, we did manage to find our way out. After 18 minutes on our adventure these were some of the after comments..."I hate the corn maze", "that is crazy", "that was no fun", and "I don't ever want to go back in there"!

I couldn't help but relate to my real life a little bit right now. Sometimes I feel I am just winding down a path that God has sent us on here in Oregon, not clearly seeing the signs, and sometimes feeling overwhelmed and lost, but trying to have fun along the way. Some people love that kind of adventure but I have never been one to enjoy life outside my comfort zone. However, when we did get out without any emergency assistance, I was able to look back and say, that was a little fun! I am grateful that I can trust in God and His plan for our future and hopefully one of His goals for me is a little more spontaneity!
The day ended with fresh apples, yummy apple cider and even apple cider doughnuts!
Since daddy missed the fun, we brought him a Marionberry pie and I know today I was blessed beyond measure.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Bottle Rocket Science

OK, I have to admit, I stink at Science!!! I have been taking the easy way out with our curriculum. I flipped the extra bucks to have a DVD of all the science experiments scheduled throughout the year. So, basically you watch this guy "do" all the experiments! Well, we were watching the video on Friday, just like the log says. However, I realized that by watching them, it was making me totally lazy to actually perform any myself. So I changed our plan a few months ago, and started planning a few of them throughout the week then watching the little clips on Friday. I have to say we have had a few freak incidents of success. I actually grew mold on wet bread, although it took 2 more days than they told me it would. We also successfully knocked over a tower of sugar cubes that soaked up red water! The boys were so excited especially after some of our failed experiments like sprouting beans. So today, I jumped right in on a Monday and planned to make a rocket balloon! The antcipation was growing all morning and Connor and Brody worked through the school day just to get to the fun part!

So, I pulled out all the required items, set up the scence and then went to simply blow up the balloon. I'm not sure what kind of balloon that is, but trust me is not one that blows up with the usual method of a human blowing air in the hole! As I sensed the excitement leaving the school room, I told Connor to run and get another balloon! That one did expand when blowing air into it as it should and we and hooked it right up to our perfectly made contraption. Brody went to pull the plug and of course it went nowhere! Leave it to the brains of my youngest to suggest an air pump for the original balloon still trying to blow life into this experiment! So, out to the garage we go, find the pump and after many failed attempts, I successfully inflate the balloon! Afer furiously trying to attach the clip to keep the air in, we are ready to give it a go. I have to say God in heaven must of been feeling sorry for me or more for my boys because it worked! That balloon shot across the string just like it was supposed to. So, after 3 turns of watching our miracle machine in action, the boys were off playing with the other balloon that failed with our rocket. They spent a complete hour blowing air into it and watching it fly! Then after I tied it, they played with it for another hour. So, all was not lost and I hope and pray they have some very important life long lessons learned. For instance...

Something about how air moves things which was the original objective

We all can't be good at everything

Working together really is better

Mommy might be lame in Science but she is not a quitter

Sometimes the most fun can be found in our failed attempts at success

That is Connor's "we did it" celebration! All was worth it! Later on this week I think I will attempt the Wind Winch, wish me luck.....I'm not sure why but I think I will need it!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

My first Blog!

Well, here it is, my first posting. I have been thinking about this for awhile and came up with the following reasons to start a blog....

1) I type much faster than I write
2) There is so much I learn about my friends when I read their blog
3) I figured this is a great way to capture all those little things I want to remember

You know I have those perfect images in my head of sitting up and writing in a journal all curled up in a blanket recording my deepest most innermost thoughts, but then I woke up and realized that just doesn't happen with my life. I've always heard how mentally healthy it is to get your thoughts down in writing and really, who doesn't desire more mental health?